Logging in salad on MFP



  • walking2running
    walking2running Posts: 140 Member
    edited July 2018
    I used the recipe builder tool to estimate the calories in my salad. I did this over several weeks and then I averaged the calorie number for my salads. It always ended up being roughly 200 calories with the salad dressing. I eat salad every single night and now I am confident that I know what 200 calories worth of salad and salad dressing looks like. I don't bother to weigh every single time anymore. I always take the same amount and I use a low calorie salad dressing (and sometimes no salad dressing at all).

    When you weigh every single thing for a considerable amount of time, your eye becomes pretty trained to know the caloric value of certain items. I also spot check from time to time to keep myself honest. I also *always* weigh certain things such as cereal, nuts, and ice cream, because those things are impossible for me to eyeball, or they're too calorie dense. Salad (but not salad dressing) are things that I give myself leeway with. If I am going to keep this up for the rest of my life, I need to know where to be flexible. Salad is one of those things.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,228 Member
    Yes i do agree with above - everyone has to find their 'happy spot" between accuracy and sustainability

    logging some things in an approximate way like you describe and considering law of averages to even it out works for me.

    I do log as something though,( eg homemade green salad one serve), not consider veggies free foods.
  • VUA21
    VUA21 Posts: 2,072 Member
    If it has calories, it gets logged. That includes veggies
  • MixedbarbieMOM1991
    MixedbarbieMOM1991 Posts: 43 Member
    U had a salad today it was 80 calories it adds up.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I made a recipe for "mixed veggies". The ingredients are equal portions of all of the vegetables I eat regularly and the number of servings is set to the total grams of veggies in the recipe. I often use that for adding vegetables rather than looking up each individual food. For example, if I'm taking a baggie of radishes, cucumbers, and kohlrabi with me for lunch, I just cut them all up and weigh them and then log that many grams as the number of servings of "mixed vegetables".