So done with the scale :(

It'll be 2 weeks Monday I'm staying under my calories etc I don't eat perfect but I cut soda and I've been walking 2 miles every day. But I'm ready to throw the scale out the bathroom window I know its water weight I'm just impatient I guess......


  • Selflove2019
    Selflove2019 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey there Ellen. I actually get the same way a lot, so me and the scale are on a little break. I'll lose 5 lbs, gain 2, lose 5, gain 3, and so on and so forth. Not exactly those amounts but you get the idea. It's so frustrating, so when it starts making me feel crappy I put the scale away for a week or two until I can reason with myself that it's not the only measure of success. Like you mention how much you have been walking, that you cut out soda, those are huge accomplishments. And I will be honest with you, it takes me a month to see any sort of impact from changes I make in my diet or exercise routine. But the important thing is not to let the scale deter you. You got this, keep up the great work!!
  • funjen1972
    funjen1972 Posts: 949 Member
    It amazes me how much value we put in that stupid number on the scale! I can feel great, clothes fit, my body is looking good, almost at goal...then I step on the scale *sigh*
    I'm learning to put less value in the number and more value in my physique and fitness. I'm considering changing my goal weight to another quantifiable system like measurements, number of push ups, etc...
  • haalastar846
    haalastar846 Posts: 30 Member
    This is why I rarely weigh myself and instead go by body measurements lol