Opinions on Kipping Pull-Ups?



  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I don't think a kipping pull-up is cheating, I just don't think a kipping pull-up is a pull-up at all. Nothing wrong with it. Just not the same thing.

    ^^^ This. A kipping pullup is a movement in and of itself. I would not use it as a progression to a standard pull up though.

    I can do dozens of reguiar pull ups, but in order to do a muscle up, I had to start it thru a kipping pull up. It takes a bit of coordination. Eventually I'll get to a more controlled MU, but until then, I'll keep doing my kipping muscle ups.
  • SirBonerFart
    SirBonerFart Posts: 1,185 Member
    seems like a good way to snap your **** up
  • mandi_444
    mandi_444 Posts: 156
    I do Crossfit and at my box they won't even let us attempt the kipping until we master a pull up (without any assistance).

    Kipping is added after you can prove you have the strength for regular pull ups. Kipping is good if your doing an endurance WOD and are going for time; it gets you in a good rhythm. But again, we are not allowed to even attempt it until we have the strength and motion down of regular pull ups.

    Just my $0.02
  • melmckay99
    melmckay99 Posts: 358
    I can kip 8-10 in a row usually but can barely strict pull even just once. It's just a different type of movement that relies more on momentum and timing than actual strength. I'm not sure why everyone is so worried about getting injured from them (kip pulls) though, they seem like a pretty free-form type of exercise to me, no external weights involved, just swinging on bars like the primates that we are :) .
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    I don't think a kipping pull-up is cheating, I just don't think a kipping pull-up is a pull-up at all. Nothing wrong with it. Just not the same thing.

    ^^^ This. A kipping pullup is a movement in and of itself. I would not use it as a progression to a standard pull up though.

    I can do dozens of reguiar pull ups, but in order to do a muscle up, I had to start it thru a kipping pull up. It takes a bit of coordination. Eventually I'll get to a more controlled MU, but until then, I'll keep doing my kipping muscle ups.

    Just what I pointed out above--though my knowledge of the muscle-up is entirely theoretical at the moment, so I am glad to hear from someone who has experience with them :)

    Kipping pull-ups and muscle-ups are explosive movements that require coordinating multiple muscles in time to produce power, whereas strict pull-ups require mostly just strength.

    Someone above mentioned push presses vs strict presses--the difference is similar. One can usually push press more than one can press using strict form.
  • phjorg1
    phjorg1 Posts: 642 Member
    Same reason why you don't throw someone into their 1rep max oly lifting right out of the gate. Its very hard on joints due to excessive sheer force. Try this, step on a scale. Then jump on one. Notice your weight explode far higher for a second. Voila, someone kipping when they don't have the strength for basic pull ups are putting untrained parts like your rotators at risk.
    I can kip 8-10 in a row usually but can barely strict pull even just once. It's just a different type of movement that relies more on momentum and timing than actual strength. I'm not sure why everyone is so worried about getting injured from them (kip pulls) though, they seem like a pretty free-form type of exercise to me, no external weights involved, just swinging on bars like the primates that we are :) .
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    i subscribe to the theory that anything is better than nothing. if your other choice is to stay on the couch ( or even the ebike) by all means... CHEAT.. and remember to listen to your body
  • dp1228
    dp1228 Posts: 439 Member
    I consider kipping to be cheating- unless you are doing an obstacle course or whatever.

    Otherwise fight for a traditional pull up- worry less about dead hang and more about getting deep to the bar.

    lat pull downs
    inverted rows
    regular rows
    DB Rows
    Barbell Rows
    assisted pull ups via machine band or chair

    all good.

    Thank you for this! I do most of that already I think I just need to up to number of days I do back work and keep trying to increase on the weight.
  • Alehmer
    Alehmer Posts: 433 Member
    Kipping --> Endurance, Speed, and Explosive Strength for that group of muscles
    Pullup ---> Maximal Strength (for most) for that group of muscles

    I see them as the same relationship between plyometric pushups and one-arm pushups... both still a pushup but different flavors and used for different reasons.

    Just don't ever lie and count your Kip # into your answer to "how many pullups can you do"
  • dp1228
    dp1228 Posts: 439 Member
    Thanks for all the responses. Thinking about it, it should have occurred to me that strict pullups and kipping pullups were really two different things. Going from not being able to do one pull-up one minute, to busting out five kipping pullups the next says something lol. when my boyfriend saw me struggling with the pullup, he suggested doing kipping. but i'll keep pushing for a regular pull-up. when that happens im going to feel like such a boss!!!
  • cats847
    cats847 Posts: 131
    "Kipping chin-ups and pull-ups have proven themselves to be useseless as a way to strengthen the strict version of the movement, and in the absence of enough strength to do the strict version, have proven to be dangerous for shoulder health...many people who can do 15 kipping reps cannot do 2 dead-hangs, and have made no progress since they started cheating the movement with the kip." - Mark Rippetoe, Starting Strength
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    Another interesting read on this:


    Cliff's notes version: if you kip before you are able to do deadhang pull-ups, you will likely injure your shoulders.
  • emc916
    emc916 Posts: 77
    For a tough WOD I think they're fine. I don't do them. Much easier than doing a pullup from a dead hang.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    as a former gymnast... kipping is totally cheating.

    Cheating at strict pull ups, yes.

    But kipping is a legitimate movement, people act like it was invented solely for CrossFit.

    Nope, it was invented so I could run from the police.
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    Is swinging the weight forward ok for doing curls? Not really, but at the same time, you can't lower the weight on something like a pullup, so if your strength isn't there yet, kipping is probably a good way to build up strength. Just don't make it a habit.

    Also, be careful that you're not just tearing away at your shoulders.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    def don't want to injure myself which I do keep hearing about with crossfit exercises. im gonna keep working on traditional pull-ups. I'm able to handle heavier weights and im working on my upper back and arms for strength but i just can't seem to do it yet! so far sounds like kipping pull-ups really don't have any benefits for building strength etc.
    Then start with inverted pullups on a Smith Machine or low bar.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • shutupandlift13
    shutupandlift13 Posts: 727 Member
    This is a pretty good article on when it's appropriate to introduce kipping into your workouts... after you are able to do dead hang pull ups: http://21crossfit.com/2013/08/19/why-i-havent-taught-you-to-kip/

    ETA: Well, balls, just scrolled up to see someone already linked it. It must be legit.
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    This is a pretty good article on when it's appropriate to introduce kipping into your workouts... after you are able to do dead hang pull ups: http://21crossfit.com/2013/08/19/why-i-havent-taught-you-to-kip/

    ETA: Well, balls, just scrolled up to see someone already linked it. It must be legit.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again: ain't nobody got time to read a 2-page thread :)
  • shutupandlift13
    shutupandlift13 Posts: 727 Member
    This is a pretty good article on when it's appropriate to introduce kipping into your workouts... after you are able to do dead hang pull ups: http://21crossfit.com/2013/08/19/why-i-havent-taught-you-to-kip/

    ETA: Well, balls, just scrolled up to see someone already linked it. It must be legit.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again: ain't nobody got time to read a 2-page thread :)

    Apparently my eyes can't keep up with my scrolling. :)