Eat Keto Diet Daily and Track - 30 Day Challenge



  • ABRichardson2016
    ABRichardson2016 Posts: 47 Member
    Trying this recipe this weekend. What recipes do you plan on trying soon? Post it here and then update us on how it turned out!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,420 Member
    If I’m short on calories at end of day and looking for a sweet treat (high in fat), a favorite and easy option I like is to whip together 4tbsp of heavy whipping cream, cocoa powder and stevia into a chocolate mouse. Or add a little pb fit to make an almost fudge-like it would be good if you topped it with crushed walnuts and refrigerate for a bit. Tonight I did hwc with stevia and 2 tbsp of pb fit and it was kind of like eating peanut butter icing.

    I actually just eat 2 ozs of philadelphia cream cheese (5 simple ingredients) which is 200 calories and 1 gram carbs and dang it's SO good. It's amazing how you can taste the natural sweetness in foods when you get off sugar. That's my go-to snack when I need something extra. BTW I am never low on calories hehehe
  • KelGen02
    KelGen02 Posts: 668 Member
    Had a good week this week, reflected on the scale FINALLY... Stall officially over!!! woot woot! I am planning on making Keto friendly pancakes on Sunday for the first time. I was at the store last night but couldn't find any sugar free syrup that wasn't load with chemicals so I guess it will be sugar free almond butter and heavy whipping cream for toppings. B) Have a great weekend everyone!!
  • ABRichardson2016
    ABRichardson2016 Posts: 47 Member
    Favorite lunch options? Burning out on salad!
  • ABRichardson2016
    ABRichardson2016 Posts: 47 Member
    Also, it’s day 23 for me and I’m down 9.8 lbs. If I’m honest, I’m down 13 lbs from my all-time highest weight, which is what I hit before realizing something had to change and fast. I was trying out Keto a few days before launching this glad I stuck with it. You all have helped so much! I have “restarted” two times in these 23 days after cheat meals/days, but both times I have gotten right back on track and found myself in ketosis a few days later. A cheat meal didn’t impact my weight, just slowed my progress; cheat days that were during a family loss put weight on the scale that it took a whole week to take back off. Valuable info for me to know about how my choices impact the scale. Moderation is important!!!!
  • Mistie072
    Mistie072 Posts: 13 Member
    I'd like ti join
  • wiginn
    wiginn Posts: 147 Member
    KelGen02 wrote: »
    Had a good week this week, reflected on the scale FINALLY... Stall officially over!!! woot woot! I am planning on making Keto friendly pancakes on Sunday for the first time. I was at the store last night but couldn't find any sugar free syrup that wasn't load with chemicals so I guess it will be sugar free almond butter and heavy whipping cream for toppings. B) Have a great weekend everyone!!

    With fresh blueberries in abundance right now, I’ve been mashing some up and then heating them with a little stevia and using that as a pancake topping. Delicious! A little goes a long way.

  • wiginn
    wiginn Posts: 147 Member
    Checking in. Today is my last day of week 3. I’ve been tracking, staying within my macros and trying to get my water in each day. But I’m still feeling sluggish, and to be honest, a bit irritable (my family has noticed 😞). Anyone else dealt with this? Any tips for getting through it? Not sure if it’s part of the adaptation to fat burning - I don’t remember going through this before.

    Also, one more question - the other day out of the blue, I suddenly got the distinct taste of metal in my mouth. Odd??
  • ABRichardson2016
    ABRichardson2016 Posts: 47 Member
    wiginn wrote: »
    Checking in. Today is my last day of week 3. I’ve been tracking, staying within my macros and trying to get my water in each day. But I’m still feeling sluggish, and to be honest, a bit irritable (my family has noticed 😞). Anyone else dealt with this? Any tips for getting through it? Not sure if it’s part of the adaptation to fat burning - I don’t remember going through this before.

    Also, one more question - the other day out of the blue, I suddenly got the distinct taste of metal in my mouth. Odd??

    Taste of metal is a sign of ketosis, I’ve read. I’ll try to find the source and post a link. I’m wondering if you need more electrolytes or a multi-vitamin for the sluggishness and irritability?
  • ABRichardson2016
    ABRichardson2016 Posts: 47 Member
    wiginn wrote: »
    Checking in. Today is my last day of week 3. I’ve been tracking, staying within my macros and trying to get my water in each day. But I’m still feeling sluggish, and to be honest, a bit irritable (my family has noticed 😞). Anyone else dealt with this? Any tips for getting through it? Not sure if it’s part of the adaptation to fat burning - I don’t remember going through this before.

    Also, one more question - the other day out of the blue, I suddenly got the distinct taste of metal in my mouth. Odd??

    Info on the metal taste:

    Try adding a B5 vitamin:
  • ABRichardson2016
    ABRichardson2016 Posts: 47 Member
    Mistie072 wrote: »
    I'd like ti join

    Welcome! Are you new to Keto, restarting, or just looking for support, ideas, etc?
  • BeckyandMilo
    BeckyandMilo Posts: 1 Member
    Just wondering if anyone has the same outlook concerning Keto as I do. Concerning keto, I think of it as a "Winter" diet. I imagine descendants were pushed to intermittent fasting based on the reduction in availability of "easy" food in the winter so meals would be spaced out, mostly protein and fat. There would be very little carbs available. Come spring/summer, our diets would naturally shift to slightly more carb dominant with greater frequency. Thus, I am playing with the theory that keto should be cycled. Just some thoughts.

    I was thinking the exact opposite personally. I eat more when it is cold and less when it is hot so keto is great just now but I thought I might have to up the carbs come winter just to generate enough heat
  • procrox
    procrox Posts: 38 Member
    End of week three and a bit, water loss clearly visible over the first two weeks, some weird peaks in there of weight gain roughly every five days, need to go over my diary entries and see what might be provoking that!?
  • Metaboliccoach
    Metaboliccoach Posts: 11 Member
    I am in too how do I join the Keto challenge??
  • procrox
    procrox Posts: 38 Member
    I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised...

    Having looked back over my completed diary entries for the 12th,17th,22nd,26th,28th July (days before the larger peaks of gained weight), theres a common theme; glass of prosecco, bottle of beer, dram of whisky.

    Old habits die hard, but I'll abstain for a few weeks and see what difference that makes out of curiosity.
  • Lorrainesavvy
    Lorrainesavvy Posts: 17 Member
    So wanted to share that I am down today to 61.4 kg from 62.9 kg on the 20th of July, my final goal being 60 kg, so only 1.4 kg to go. Happy if I take 4 weeks to do that last bit. Did do another 27 hour fast with only 3 black coffees in the later half of the fast so I could keep going. My original weight weight was 84.7 kg. My starting weight for the last 6 months was 71.4. So 10 kg down over 6 months. Its certainly gets way slower the closer I get to that 60 kg. Happy to stroll that last 1.4 kg, but part of me so wants to wake up and see 60 kg!
  • Lorrainesavvy
    Lorrainesavvy Posts: 17 Member
    I should add that I am doing keto under 20 grams of net carbs most days, but allow myself up to 30 grams net on cheat days (about twice a week). And I am doing 16/8 Intermittent Fasting. So 16 hours without eating, followed by eating in a 8 hour window, often it was 18/6, so only a 6 hour window, about 6 times 4 hour eating window, and twice I managed 2.5 hour eating window. Trying to get to 1 meal per day eventually, but its taking time to adjust, so taking the time it takes so ti takes less time.
  • cecelhdz
    cecelhdz Posts: 1 Member
    droi69 wrote: »
    I am in too how do I join the Keto challenge??

    Has this thread died out or are you all still going strong on Keto?
  • Hulbert0089
    Hulbert0089 Posts: 97 Member
    Week 1, 8.2 lbs lost
    Week 2, 2.8 lbs lost
    Week 3, 6.4 lbs lost

    I feel so far ahead of where I expected to be. I haven’t cheated once in the 24 days into Keto diet. Only time I felt a little guilty was eating 8 strawberries with whipped cream last night. Used stevia and a little vanilla in whipping cream and blended it up. It was awesome even though I wasn’t hungry after eating dinner.