Post Injury Workouts

I injured my knee 2 years ago at work. Took me 11 1/2 months to go back after PT.. i can’t run much anymore because of the pounding. I noticed I am up 15 pounds since the injury. Anyone have any advice to burn calories but boost strength at the same time?


  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    You burn calories by living, you burn by being more active, you burn more through different kinds of exercise...
    You boost strength by challenging your muscles beyond their current capabilities, in a progressive fashion is normally sensible especially when coming back from injury.

    TBH your post lacks information to give specific advice.
    When I was rehabbing from two major knee injuries initially just doing static leg raises was enough to boost strength, then learning to walk again was enough, then stairs was enough, then cycling, then using weights etc, etc.

    Running (and lunging, and impact....) is awful for my particular knee injuries, cycling is very good, weights are good up to a certain limit but not beyond - you will be different.
  • vcancel
    vcancel Posts: 96 Member
    I use the arc trainer at the gym (planet) and its amazing. No impact and you can get a great cardio workout. If you haven't changed your diet and your weight gain is only from the inactivity of your injury, you may want to try that. Otherwise, reassess your eating as well. I was in PT for 18 months for a lower back injury I got in September 2014. In May of 2016 I got released to go back to the gym for light workouts and the next day I broke my ankle just walking on the sidewalk. That was another year of recovery and PT. I just got back in to the gym in march. It's a slow process but I love it. I had lost 40 pounds and was running four miles prior to my back injury. I'm back to lifting, doing cardio on the arc trainer and feeling great. Take it slow but remember that consistency is the key to success. Eat well and get enough sleep too. Good luck! ❤️