Why is the weight coming back??? Help!

I don't know what I'm doing wrong!

I've been dieting for awhile and had been doing fairly well (down about 27 lbs!) Well its all coming back! What the heck is happening?! I've checked and double checked with so many different resources the number of calories I am supposed to be consuming a day to be healthy and still lose weight- and I meet it or am just under it everyday. I walk almost everyday, and I'm not doing and major muscle building stuff. Yet I've gained back almost 6lbs in just over a week! The last two days have been a pound a day. I know that I can't be building muscle fast enough to have that be the issue, and I know that I'm eating good foods that stay under or at my calorie limit. I've even cut out most bread type foods. What else can I do?

Or is this somehow completely normal and I'm freaking out for no reason =/


  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    You won't be building muscle... not while on a calorie deficit.

    I can't see your diary so I'm just going to throw out a few things...

    Are you measuring all your food with a kitchen scale? How do you measure what you log? Are you ensuring the entry you are picking is for the item you are consuming? Don't use generic entries or homemade entries... don't use recipes in the database, make your own. People prepare things differently and have different calorie counts depending on where you are.

    Are you exercising? Are you eating those calories back? Have you just started exercising or recently changed what you are doing or the intensity? Changing exercise and the intensity can cause your body to retain water for repair.

    What are you eating? Are you consuming processed foods? How high is your sodium? How much water are you drinking? Is it close to your TOM?
  • ken_hogan
    ken_hogan Posts: 854 Member
    I don't know what I'm doing wrong!

    I've been dieting for awhile and had been doing fairly well (down about 27 lbs!) Well its all coming back! What the heck is happening?! I've checked and double checked with so many different resources the number of calories I am supposed to be consuming a day to be healthy and still lose weight- and I meet it or am just under it everyday. I walk almost everyday, and I'm not doing and major muscle building stuff. Yet I've gained back almost 6lbs in just over a week! The last two days have been a pound a day. I know that I can't be building muscle fast enough to have that be the issue, and I know that I'm eating good foods that stay under or at my calorie limit. I've even cut out most bread type foods. What else can I do?

    Or is this somehow completely normal and I'm freaking out for no reason =/

    Please open up your food diary for public viewing so we can give you advice. Like the previous poster asked, are you measuring/weighing all your foods?
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,722 Member
    Do you know how many calories it would take to gain 6 lbs in a week? I don't because the calculator won't go that high! :smile:

    Are you weighing yourself every day? If you are, stop because it's obviously freaking you out.

    Like someone else said, Is it that TOM of the month for you? That could be your 6 lbs right there. Or too much sodium. Or weighing after you've eaten when the food's still in your body.