Gearing Up for Baby #2

adnam08manda Posts: 3 Member
edited July 2018 in Introduce Yourself
I haven't used MFP in about 3 years and even then it was rarely on a whim for weight loss. I am really trying to stick it out this time though because we are on route to baby number two and I had a really rough first pregnancy due to my weight and I want to start in a much better place than I was then. I was 207 when I got pregnant and 257 the day he was born. I was also a terrible eater while pregnant and assumed it would all disappear after he was born. I was a gestational diabetic with hypertension and the biggest swollen ankles ever. I am currently at 220 and aiming to get to at least 185 at a minimum before trying for number 2. I have a goal of November at the latest so I have about 5 months to make 35 lbs disappear!

A little about me: 28 years old, married almost 4 years to a healthy work out fanatic (funny right?!), and we have a son who will be 2 in October. I work as a Digital Resolutions Analyst at a Fortune 40 Company and rarely intentionally exercise but I walk about 8000 steps a day naturally due to work.


  • Mrsindepenant1
    Mrsindepenant1 Posts: 196 Member
    Hi, I’m on here too because we are wanting #2 and have been struggling! I assume it’s due to my weight, I was 60kg with #1 and got to 85kg when he was born.
    Now I’m 90kg. I’m 25 and have always been pretty active so it’s quiet a shock!
    I’m hoping to get to 60kg again!
  • kplumm88
    kplumm88 Posts: 32 Member
    I am trying to lose weight before getting pregnant as well. We have 2 already and want to try for a third but I want to be closer to a normal weight before we start "officially trying". With my first, I was 208lbs when I get pregnant. Gained 35 by the time she came. I didn't lose any of the baby weight after that and by the time I got pregnant with my son I was at 265. I actually lost 3lbs during that pregnancy. I was 262 when I delivered. Fast forward 5 years and I am sitting at 289. There is NO WAY I can tolerate a pregnancy at this size. I want to be healthier so I can avoid any complications and so I have an easier time moving around, etc. My overall goal is to get down to 140-150. My hope is to be most of the way there when we conceive our third.