Rate of loss..?

Hello guys so I’m a bit frustrated right now. I’m hitting the gym at least 5 times a week burning 500 calories roughly for each session, and i eat around 1300-1400 calories a day. I’m 5’3, and around 170 pounds. I have done this same workout plan in the past and have lost around 2 pounds a week then, but I was much bigger I was more around the 189lb mark. This time round I’m finding my rate of loss a lot slower? In 3 weeks I’ve lost 3 pounds which I appreciate is brilliant but based off of my deficits the maths tells me it should be more? Could it be the hot weather we are experiencing in the Uk causing me to retain water? It’s really frustrating that the same effort is not getting me the same results. The only other difference is that in the past I did outdoor running and I now I do treadmill running and elliptical, could the gym be the culprit? Anyone who knows about this stuff thank you!!


  • Nativestar56
    Nativestar56 Posts: 112 Member
    Three weeks isn't long in the grand scheme of things and to lose a lb a week is great, well done! It's too early to say for sure that your rate of loss is slower. Lots of things can affect weight, it could be the heat, TOM (if you're female), salt intake, water retention if this is the first time you've hit the gym in a while, to name just a few.

    Its always worth double checking how tight you are at logging though, do you use a scale? How are you measuing your burn at the gym? Little errors might have a bigger impact now that you're at a lower weight.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,069 Member
    It could be water retention.

    Only way you can know is to ensure you're being accurate and if you are, trust the process.
    How is your logging accuracy? Are you using a food scale? How are you calculating the calorie burns?