Struggle with weight loss, looking “pregnant,” healthy eating

Mckenziekay3 Posts: 3 Member
edited July 2018 in Introduce Yourself
So I’ve seen some other people post on this, I just thought I’d throw in mine too. I’ve struggled with my weight since I was 12, now being almost 20, it’s still something I bring with me into my adulthood. I got it a relationship a year and a half ago and he is the love of my life, I plan to marry him someday hopefully soon. We do everything together, including spending holidays together. Come Easter of this year, I was one of my heaviest weights I have been. I joined his family in an Easter service, and before that we took pictures. Well, I guess my weight gain was noticeable, because his mom’s friends and coworkers had stated to her that it almost seemed I was pregnant. That shot me down to an all time low self-esteem wise, and since then, I have been on the path to eating better and losing weight. I had a hard time, so recently my doctor put me on phentermine and I’ve been on that for about a month. Down 11 pounds and hopefully more to come.