Diet balance

Hi all,

I'm currently 11.2% body fat and looking in shape but not totally chizzled in the abdominal area.
I'm looking for the correct diet balance
Stats are
Age 37
Height 5'11
Weight 155lbs
Body fat 11.2%
Training is 30 mins of HIIT 3 times a week
Weights sessions 5 times per week
Currently eating daily
1.2 grams of carbs per lb of body weight
1.2 grams of protein per lb of body weight
.3 grams of fat per lb of body weight
Anyone help as progress is very slow now I'm down to low % body fat


  • ammo0ri
    ammo0ri Posts: 11 Member
    Welcome to MFP.
    I think you should start by lowering your carbs intake and focusing more on the protein.
    Try to gain more lean muscle mass cause it will boost your metabolism.
  • Thanks for the message, I was on a low carb diet for several weeks, I lost 2 stone doing so and eating 270g of protein per day meant I then put several pounds of lean mass on, I only raised carbs back up as I started hiit straining and it was exhausting without the energy required
  • Current picture
  • This was end March this year when I started training
  • Iffiormana
    Iffiormana Posts: 244 Member
    That’s so amazing,adding you :)
  • ammo0ri
    ammo0ri Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for the message, I was on a low carb diet for several weeks, I lost 2 stone doing so and eating 270g of protein per day meant I then put several pounds of lean mass on, I only raised carbs back up as I started hiit straining and it was exhausting without the energy required

    I was doing HIIT when I had 21% PBF and as you mentioned its really exhausting until I reached 13%. Now I'm only doing regular cardio after each strength workout for 10 minutes. HIIT or condtioning once or twice per week and I'm seeing better results.