Pictures.. ugh



  • DancingYogini
    Ugh...I HATE it when people post pictures of me without my permission!! are beautiful, even though you say that picture makes you look not like your profile, I think that maybe you are being a little to hard on yourself. If you have struggled with an ED, then you know how pictures/mirrors can be extremely deceiving. Don't let the picture trigger you, you know the healthy way to lose weight and get in shape. That is why you are here right!! And, any guy would be lucky to have are adorable and you seem very sweet :flowerforyou:
  • inpeaces
    inpeaces Posts: 12
    Wow thank you so much everyone, I really didnt expect so many of you to reply but it really means a lot, I do feel a lot better now... i was in such a funk yesterday, I wanted to go to the gym and work my butt off but instead I just got into a depression and slept the rest of my day away lol.... But all of the advice and encouragement I've gotten on here really helps, thank you all so much <3 Today is a new day and I am going to eat healthy and work out... I wish I wasn't so impatient with this, but I just need to learn these things take time.
  • kc7671
    kc7671 Posts: 28 Member
    Inpeaces - This just happened to me this past Monday! It was my son's first birthday party, i THOUGHT i looked pretty when i got dressed. Someone took and posted a picture on Facebook and I looked horrible I admit. Not only chunky but I had "melted" from the long day and heat. If I wasn't feeling bad enough about myself after seeing the picture someone made a snotty post and I know without a doubt they were referencing that picture! I joke with my best friend that I got the pretty sucked right out of me this past year. I think the extra weight is the problem.... It just makes me look older. It's so depressing. I've lost almost all of the 50 lbs I put on during the pregnancy and i should be happy but i just want to look like me again. Even harder when everyone around me is back to the pre-preggo weight. I feel so close but so far. It's It's definitely tough! I have also struggled with bulimia through the years. I had some medical problems because of it tho and I vowed never to do it again, it's not worth it in the long run. Best of luck to us all :-)!!