Breakfast: Yes or no.

So, I have never been a morning person. Even in college, the most I could handle was a cup of coffee and half a granola bar. Now I'm starting my job as a first year teacher. I'm hypoglycemic, so I know I need at least something small. I used to drink a homemade latte (the milk seemed to help keep a normalish blood sugar), but I know I need something more substantial. Any one out there have a similar situation or advice?


  • rebeccalee1986
    Maybe a protein shake may help... I usually have a small breakfast as it does help with my weight Loss, since I have started eating well I wake up starving now
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    This is a touchy topic... there are some that will say eat when you want... others that swear by eating every few hours... others that say 6 meals a day.

    Personally, if I do not eat breakfast, then I don't stop for food at all during the day... then come the evening meal I will either be famished and want to eat everything in sight or still do not want to eat (all will agree this is not good).

    So I have been working on encorporating breakfast every day. During the work week it is easy to do because I fix an egg cassarole Sunday night and divide it and take a piece every day. It reheats beautifully! I have noticed doing this I stay energized much longer, and have gotten closer to my calorie goals each day. I still struggle to get there, but it is getting better.
  • luvsherhubby
    luvsherhubby Posts: 135 Member
    I agree with the above that it is a touchy topic. There are many that swear by the options she said. I believe its up to you. Trial & error. Try out eating a big breakfast, or medium breakfast or no breakfast ( maybe just the latte as before for your blood sugar) ad see what fits you best. You mentioned you need something more substantial- but why? Are you feeling more hungry in the morning or is it just because that is what you have been told?

    I eat breakfast most days, well I call it breakfast but sometimes it might not be until noon. I keep it small under 400 calories. My favorite is coffee, Greek yogurt with a Luna bar crunched up as granola. I have tried eating this in the morning and then lunch and dinner and I just end up mad because I cant have a few more potatoes at dinner or the pm snack I want. I might have a snack or so later in the afternoon and don't eat dinner until 7 or 8. I'm naturally less hungry in the mornings.

    All in all I say breakfast is the same as any other meal. If your hungry eat it and make wise choices.

    Edit: Interestingly enough there was another thread on this featuring this article.

    "Levitsky said the bottom line is that anything that gets people to lower caloric intake will help them with weight loss and possibly lower their risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Skipping breakfast might be one strategy that can help. But the same is true of skipping lunch or dinner, reducing portion sizes and cutting back on fat. "Any little thing a person can do to reduce calories can help with weight," he said."
  • laylaness
    laylaness Posts: 262 Member
    Try peanut butter on wheat toast. I'm not a fan of eating in the morning, but if I know I won't be able to eat until the afternoon, I'll do peanut butter toast. And my usual coffee with half & half and Splenda.
  • ReadingAddict79
    ReadingAddict79 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm not a huge breakfast fan, never have been. In my early 20's, I probably went a good 9 years without eating breakfast. Oops. I've since wiggled it into my daily meals, and haven't skipped a single breakfast in years. But, I keep it small- usually under 200 calories. I usually just have a small bowl of yogurt with homemade granola/almonds, or a slice of whole wheat toast with PB. Maybe a little fruit. I find now I absolutely have to have it, but I definitely keep it on the small side.
  • c_tap77
    c_tap77 Posts: 189 Member
    Most days I just eat a Chobani greek yogurt when I get to work (I have to wait a couple hours before eating after I wake up because of the medicine I'm on for my thyroid).

    If I'm in the mood for something more substantial, my new favorite thing to do is to crack an egg into a muffin tin (you can do several and once and throw them in the fridge so they're ready to go all week!) and bake it at 350 for 12-15 minutes and it fits perfectly on an english muffin with a piece of ham or turkey....soooo yummy :) Sometimes I get really crazy and add cheese-haha.

    Peanut butter on an english muffin is also quick and yummy.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    24 hrs in a day.

    XXXX calories to eat in that day.

    Eat your calories for that day. And be good.

    If you want to eat breakfast- eat breakfast.

    If you do not- then don't. It' really doesn't matter to be honest.