Help with PCOS

Hey ladys pcos is kicking my butt. It seems cardio alone just won't do anything to budge my weight and I've been actively trying for 4 years. I even tried phentermine, which worked but as soon as I stopped taking it all the weight came back. I need some suggestions. I seriously feel like giving up. What can I do?


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    You have to eat less (fewer calories than you burn).
  • seska422
    seska422 Posts: 3,217 Member
    edited July 2018
    You have to eat less (fewer calories than you burn).

    PCOS may mean that you need to consume fewer calories than someone else with your stats could in order to lose weight and then maintain that loss. You need to experiment to find your personal calorie intake/output amounts needed for weight loss and maintenance.
  • desg1218
    desg1218 Posts: 78 Member
    I also have PCOS and they only way I have successfully lost weight was on a low carb diet due to insulin resistance. It never mattered how much I exercised or how little I ate I couldn't shed a pound. You don't have to go nuts about it but staying under 60 carbs a day helped me.
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    Here are the links to a couple podcasts about PCOS and nutrition from the folks I work with - science backed nutrition from ppl with various PhDs
  • findingmb
    findingmb Posts: 17 Member
    I have PCOS too and it is a challenge. Are you on medication? I was on medication (Metformin) last year but am trying to avoid it as it makes me really nauseous even though once on it I find it much, much easier to lose weight. I don't want to take pills my whole life.

    I have been trying to cut down on dairy which has helped a lot so far (although it also sucks because dairy is delicious) - have you been able to see an endocrinologist? It helped me a lot to talk to a Dr who deals with a lot of patients with PCOS rather than just my GP who is very kind but has less experience and had less useful info for me.

    Good luck - it is pretty tough eh! :(
  • xxzenabxx
    xxzenabxx Posts: 935 Member
    I have PCOS and I was told to eat 1700-1900 calories a day to lose weight by the online calculators. Wrong. Turns out I need 1500 calories to lose weight and I’m finally losing weight even though it’s slow. I don’t mind since I’m 149 lbs and only got 20lbs to go. Also eat a lower carb diet consisting of around 60-100g carbs a day. Yes most PCOS women are insulin resistant and have high androgens in the body. Also you’re doing exercise wrong. For PCOS women it’s better to do weight training because muscle makes you more insulin sensitive. Take me as an example. I used to over eat occasionally and I would gain weight so quickly. Now when I overeat I don’t gain weight in fact I’m losing fat. My body doesn’t hold onto the extra calories like it used to. Muscle has really improved my metabolism. I even went on two three week holidays this year and didnt gain weight. A few years ago I would have. Cut down on cardio, only do 10 minutes of HIIT (proper HIIT not some cardio intervals) twice a week and start doing 3 full body weight training sessions. You will gain some initial water weight and muscle weight due to newbie gains. Don’t freak out. After a few weeks you’ll notice your clothes getting lower. Go to PCOSdiva she has brilliant information.