My name is Jay,! Come say hi!

Hey everybody! My name is Jay and I’m trying to lose weight. I have done this before, I weighed roughly 186 back in late 2015. Decided to get serious and dropped 30lbs got down to 151. It was cool I felt good about myself I was trying to get a six pack. My fat percent went from about 28-30 to about 14.

Near the end of 2016 I gave up entirely on health and the gym. Lots of different reasons, the biggest was I gave up on myself, lost my fire so to speak. Started eating heavily and drinking heavily. It stayed this way until 8 days ago. I’m down 4-5 pounds and I’m trying to keep it going. I joined a weight loss competition at work and it’s helped motivate me into jumping back on the train. I really wanna win this and prove to myself and others that I’ve got it! I’ve got the fire.

To backtrack a little about my weight gain and giving up at the end of 2016, I gained everything back plus extra. I was at 191.4 lbs. that’s really bad. I’m a 5’6” male with no shoes on. I’m turning 26 here in a couple of weeks.

So I’m going for the gold I wanna lose a lot of weight and drop my body fat percent. This is a big deal for me and I am very excited! Thanks for listening to my story hope to chat with you all!!!
