How long until you saw initial results

KimStapes Posts: 4 Member
Hi all! I just joined this week. I was doing WW. I think I’m eating more calories on MFP than WW and the scale is showing it. I’m up 2 lbs since Wednesday. I’ve been in my calorie range each day, except today. I’m wondering if it’ll take a bit for my body to get used to a new “diet”plan?

It’s frustrating.


  • GirlVersusFat
    GirlVersusFat Posts: 31 Member
    when you see depends on a lot of thing one being your weight, someone that doesn't have much to lose may not see result as quickly as someone with a lot to lose. Also, everyone is different some people drop weight easier and faster than other.

    P.S. Accurate calculations of calories or a closely as you can get is everything, so a food scale is super important.
  • Caroline244
    Caroline244 Posts: 56 Member
    I used to be on a plan similar to WW, too, and had good success. MFP has me eating more calories than that plan. Even though I am a good 50 pounds overweight right now, my body does not seem to respond to losing weight unless I consistently eat quite a few less calories than the "recommended" MFP levels. Honestly, I see MFP as a way to remain accountable, not a diet coach or expert. Do what your body needs of you. :-) Just my 2 cents!
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    @KimStapes it was day 45 before I lost the first pound but I lost an inch on my belt size and some of my fat face before losing the first pound of weight. Now I understand it is more biology than math. :)
  • Jessie24330
    Jessie24330 Posts: 224 Member
    2 lbs is a lot to gain in less than a week. Are you near ovulation or your period? Everyone is different but a lot of us put on some water weight at one or both of these times.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Your body will be fine on any diet that provides sufficient nutrition. It's your mind that needs to get used to not see a loss on the scale every week. On a healthy plan, your weekly fat loss will be smaller than your day to day water weight fluctuations, so what you see, is normal. If you're doing everything right, you will lose weight, if you give it enough time. Not understanding what's happening "behind the scenes" is frustrating, and can prevent you from doing the right things consistently enough, and long enough.

    To gain 2 pounds of fat, you have to eat 7000 calories above maintenance. Do you think you have done that since Wednesday?

    For calorie counting to work, it's important that you log correctly, so that you really are in a calorie deficit.

    If you have "off" days, it's important that you log them too, because it's the average intake over time that counts.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,735 Member
    Keep in mind that if you were eating fewer calories on WW, you would've had slightly less average digestive system contents in transit, and probably fewer carbs/less sodium. Any of those could increase water weight temporarily, but if so, it'll sort itself out very soon. Someone else mentioned that certain points in one's menstrual cycle can involve some water retention, as can a new exercise routine, any minor healing (sunburn, minor infection/virus, whatever), and more.

    Water weight is not fat; rather, it's just a normal part of how our bodies function - the water gets involved in metabolizing nutrients, repairing tissues, etc. Since it's not fat, there's no reason to worry about water weight fluctuations of a minor nature. As someone else observed, you'd have to eat about 7000 calories above maintenance calories to gain 2 pounds of fat, and you'd know if you'd done that! The water weight fluctuations can even be masking some ongoing fat loss temporarily.

    It's much more likely that you're looking at a temporary water weight blip from a change in routine. I'd suggest waiting it out. It can take 4-6 weeks to see the true weight loss effect of a new regimen, so it really hasn't been even remotely long enough yet. Most water weight weirdness sorts itself out in a couple of weeks or less; the 4-6 week span is needed to figure out a true average weekly weight loss.

    Best wishes!
  • bikecheryl
    bikecheryl Posts: 1,432 Member
    I saw immediate results - 3 lbs the first week and then averaged about 1.6 lbs per week.
    Note I said averaged as you will hear people on here say, and correctly, weight loss is not linear !!

    I bought a food scale and was pretty meticulous (my husband called it anal :/ ) about weighing and logging my food. I stuck to the MFP suggested calorie deficit and exercised when ever and however I could considering I was extremely overweight with two bad knees.

    I've lost 110 lbs so far.

    For me, being anal was the key ;) and after 15 months has become second nature.