The time is now

So I have been all over the place over the last couple of years with my weight. I was down to almost my and then have let the the wait creep up slowly until I am now the heaviest that I've been since I had my children. My husband carved me out a spot in my garage for me to workout in but then we bought a pop-up trailer and so now there's no space in my garage again. Yesterday I went and joined the YMCA and this morning I was going to get up and go to the gym. I was up late last night my alarm went off and I did not want to get up. But I did got on the treadmill for 30 minutes and ran for 5 minutes so it's a start. Today I'm going to make sure that I log all of my food and water. the time is now for me to get this weight under control I'm not getting any younger and I want to be a strong healthy active grandma and mom later in life. my goal is to post something here every day just to keep myself accountable to what I am doing.