Diabetes/Weight loss

Hello has anyone with Type 2 Diabetes have luck putting the disease in remission with weight loss. I have seen my blood sugars come down. Doctor thinks I can reverse it with more weight loss. Just wondering if anyone out there actually has this success story.


  • tammyfranks2
    tammyfranks2 Posts: 290 Member
    edited July 2018
    I have went from a A1c 9.2 to now a 6.1 , I have lost 50 pounds so far ( 6 months) and I am off my lantus shot all together , I still take metformin 2x a day . I eat low carb and also do the 14 hour not eat during night . I stop eating at 8 pm nothing til 10 am or later . I only eat 2000 calories a day and and only 20 carbs or less . I need to lose over 200 pounds so I am big , but I am slowing fixing my diabetes and I am want to get off the metformin down the road . Good luck and add me as a friend if you want to , you can do it and maybe even get off all your Type 2 diabetes meds .