Moving forward.......

I am in my forties. 5ft 7”. Size 18/20. started out at 261 lbs 4 days ago. Today I am 259 lbs

My whole life I’ve eaten my emotions. I was always quite heavy but only on the scale as long as I stayed around 200 pounds people couldn’t tell I was overweight primarily because of my body type. I ate whatever I wanted and remained active. Fast forward to 2016 . I landed a job I thought would be my last job. It turned out to be a nightmare. 18 hour work days 7 days a week. No vacation for 2 years in a row. I spent my days sitting in front of a laptop. When I was tired I would work in bed with the laptop. The stress was overwhelming. I stopped exercising, gave up my social life and turned to food for comfort. Pretty soon nothing fit I became more depressed. My self esteem was whittling away. I didn’t realize how much of my self esteem was wrapped up in my appearance until now. I finally found the courage to let go off the job. It took a few months to recover and finally turn my attention to regaining my life and moving forward. Today I am moving forward.