Trying A New Journey

Hello everyone!

My name is Denise and I’m trying to lose 28 pounds. I have been trying weight loss for years with exercise, weight watchers, keto and the like but for some reason I keep going the wrong way. In just four years I gained 30 pounds. I went to my doctor to find out why and they ran some tests to discover I have PCOS.

I’m not sure how this affected others diagnosed but it terrorfied me. My eldest sister has PCOS and now she’s diabetic, obese and infertile. Her dream of being a mom without adoption was stripped away. I dream of being a mom too and my husband and I started talking about it. I asked my doctor what I could do and she recommended weight loss.

So here I am, cutting my carbs and sugars and trying to lose some weight so I can be a mom and be healthier. One week in and I’ve lost 1 lb and .5% fat. Here’s to hoping it just keeps going down.

If anyone has suggestions of dieting with PCOS or motivational tips send them my way! I could use all the motivation and helpfulness I can get! 😸