Stress binge eating

I'm not proud to admit this, but I binge eat, hardcore, when I'm stressed.
Having pcos, the sugar cravings are intense and stress, of course, makes them more so.
It's like a compulsion. Before I got pregnant, keto helped curb my cravings so much that it wasn't really an issue any longer and I felt so good. During pregnancy, I increased my macros to grow my babies, twins, and we all did wonderful. I lost the weight and then some with their birth, but I kept my numbers up for breast feeding.
I'm 14 weeks postpartum now, had to stop breast feeding around 7 weeks, and went back down to 20g at 9 weeks. I've done this before so it shouldn't be hard this time around. I was doing great- no weight loss, but I think my postpartum belly was shrinking and my skin was feeling looser... Enter week 12... I went back to work. I'm a retail manager and I was not prepared for the stress of work on top of being a new mom of twins, having to send them to daycare, missing their dad because he's been working 72 hour weeks, trying to find time to keep up with cleaning bottles, doing laundry, cooking, and of course the tiny amount of sleep I get. Well. I won't go into the number of times I've found myself instantly regretting the little Debbie snack I ate, the burger king I devoured, or the caramel syrup I drank, but I'm finding my will power not enough to stop me until the sugar cravings stop again.
I need keto like a fish needs water. It's the only way of eating that's ever helped me lose weight, helped me get pregnant, made me feel energized and amazing. I won't give that up, but I'm obviously struggling.
What I'm looking for is things anyone has used to overcome their cravings/binges as well as friends to help me be accountable until I'm over it. I haven't been logging when I eat the junk, but I'm not a good liar so even one person calling me out on where the rest of my food is or asking me if I ate any entire chocolate bar would force the truth from me. Please help me.


  • mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsa12
    mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsa12 Posts: 204 Member
    I don’t have children, so really am not qualified to comment on how hard it must be to have two tiny people to care for. But I imagine it must be hard. Don’t be too tough on yourself, your family need you in good shape.

    Remember that weight loss is a journey and every time you make a better decision is a step on the road. We all eat “unhealthy” foods sometimes, aim to eat healthy foods more often than “unhealthy” ones and you’ll be moving in the right direction.

    Good luck! 🍀