Hi im Loripav1

I am 46 years old. I just joined this sight today. I weighed in at the Doctors office on Monday the 29th of July. I weighed 274. I started my diet of eathing right. I have been using the food pyrmid for the past week in a half. My Mother has been my biggest insperation. She told me that when I was a little girl she started eating right and using the food pyrmid and she lost lots of lbs. She wouldnt tell me how much but my mother is tiny by eating right. Well she told me to stick to this and I should not drink my Diet Pepsi all the time. I was a Pepsi lover big time. I stoped the Pepsi drinking and eating right. I went to weigh in at the Doctor's office again just this past Monday the 5th of August and had went down to 266 lbs. I am excited to be on here and I hope that my goals will be met. Im wanting to get down to 160 lbs and get back down so I dont have to shop in the plus sizes anymore. Much more nice and cute clothes in the smaller sizes.


  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    watch these 2 movies:

    Forks over Knives and Hungry for a Change.

    Its not a diet its a lifestyle change.
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    I just want to really commend you on joining MFP and choosing a healthier future for yourself. You sound like a very determined person and that will take you far! Remember a few things:
    ~You didn't gain the weight in a week, or a month and you won't lose it that fast either. Just keep on going, no matter what!
    ~Every new meal/snack is a chance to eat healthy or "get back on track". Don't wait until tomorrow! Change always begins right now.
    ~You're going to "slip up". You're going to have weeks where you don't lose weight and some where you plateau. You're going to eat things that aren't healthy (this is always ok in moderation but for the times you actually over-do it). You'll make mistakes. IT'S OK. Don't beat yourself up! JUST TRY AGAIN. It's never too late and you are always worth it.
    ~Fill up your exercise routine with activities you enjoy. If you don't know what you enjoy, try new things! Just move.
    ~Respect your limits. Don't starve yourself and don't do any movements that cause pain. Soreness = good. pain = stop. Sounds simple but it's easy to want to keep going no matter what.

    Your post inspired me to keep pushing myself to make the changes I know I still have to make in my life to be a healthier, happier me, so I appreciate you introducing yourself! Those are just some of the things I've come to realize are important and can help to know in the beginning! I wish you all the best of luck with your goals. You're going to do great. Just never give up on yourself and never forget that you're worth the effort :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • mike_usmc
    mike_usmc Posts: 105 Member
    Good job on the weight loss! I don't smoke or drink. My addiction is..Ready for it? Diet Coke. Although its been about two weeks, I just cannot get enough of it. Well I used to be able not to. It was so hard to break that habit, I eventually just had to stop cold turkey instead of the 'just one or two' a day. Believe me, I was at about 6, 7 or more a day. Which is not only expensive, but not to good for me. I wish you luck!
  • loripav1
    loripav1 Posts: 5 Member
    thank you
  • nino07110922
    nino07110922 Posts: 2,149
    Hi Lori! Welcome to MFP!! We're all on the same track to lose weight and get healthier. We're might be on different points in the path, but we all have good days and bad... and can always use encouragement. Good luck to you. Keep sharing your progress.