Desperately seeking new friends to support each other on a healthier lifestyle! :)

Hi everyone, would really appreciate some frequently active friends on here for general advice, support and encouragement. Just turned 40 recently and have realised that I need to make some major lifestyle changes to feel and look better. I'd love some new like-minded friends to join me on our journeys ahead! Please send me a friend request and I'll happily add you, as everyone needs inspiring people in their lives to achieve their goals. Take care for now and hopefully speak soon, John-paul 😀


  • Grandmakatex2
    Grandmakatex2 Posts: 4 Member
    Welcome John-paul. I have been here before so not new but have a new account. I am 60, a grandma of 2 and always striving to be healthier. Would love to support you and share what works for you and I. Please feel free to add me if you feel I meet your criteria as a support friend. All the best, Kate