And Then June Happened....

I was doing so well. I was counting calories and treadmill running 3x a week, and after 6 months had lost close to 40 pounds. I signed up for, and ran (well ran, walked, ran, walked) my way to the finish line at the end of May. And then June happened. And with it all of my motivation. I am still treadmill running, but it's more like once every 2nd week now. And the calorie counting? Out the window. I try, but can't seem to follow the program for more than 2 days at a time. Is it the heat?! Is it because my original goal if completing a 5k was met? What is it??? I want to continue so bad. Still have so much weight to lose, but I just can't find the motivation. How do you keep going?


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,108 Member
    Sign up for another 5K. Keep doing that. If it worked...
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    When I derail, and don’t want to calorie count and log, and start eating more and more yummy food, I start gaining weight. It’s a pain to lose again so start back today. The key to mastering this program is right where you are now. It’s learning how to get back on the bike after you’ve fallen off. You just have to log and count one day at a time. You lost 40 pounds so you know how and what to do. Time to do it.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    Set goals.
    I never thought I set goals but I realized a couple of years ago I do.
    Mine are all around my yearly holiday.

    Do I want to wear a bikini on the beach?
    Yes, so I keep my weight at a level I like.

    Do I want to look reasonably good in that bikini?
    Yes, work out and practice good posture.

    Do I want to climb this rock face, then repell down?
    Yes, learn the skill and strengthen muscles, do some endurance training too.

    Do I want to go on that snorkling adventure off the side of a catamaran in the carabean?
    Yes, learn to swim and dive.

    Do I want to walk around Pompeii and the Topkapi Palace?
    Yes, keep walking daily.

    Ride a horse, donkey, elephant, camel?
    Yes, strengthen all those muscles that help with balance and the legs.

    You get the drift.
    I am not a great fan of exercise, much more a book worm, but planning to do fun things with the strength and skills I have acquired has enhanced my life immensely.

    Stand naked in front of the mirror and decide what you would like to do with your body- and don't leave it until you are almost a pensioner ;)

    Cheers, h.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,490 Member
    Maybe try this. Line down the middle of the page, two lists. Why you want to lose weight in the first column, why you don’t in the other column. Spend some time on it. Sometimes our reasons for or against aren’t so obvious.

    See if it helps you figure out why you’re stuck. And if you find some don’ts that are hard to deal with, try to make some reasonable compromises with yourself to get going. You can’t just run your resistance into the dirt.