A little about me and question about energy

Hi All! My name is Kristle! I've used MFP before and lost about 10lbs. It was short lived as my anal calorie counting started slipping away and my workouts became far and few between. Unfortunately I've gained the weight back and then some :p My goal is to get back to my high school weight of 140-145 The last few weeks I've been doing good counting calories and doing workouts here and there and so far i've lost 4 pounds! My ticker didn't move tho because I had forgot to update my current weight from the last time i used MFP :-p 52 pounds to go! Yikes! Encouragement is appreciated :)

Any ways a little about me, I'm 25, single mother, 911 dispatcher, and a full time student. As much as I'm dreading the start of my school semester, I"m looking forward to it because it means my hyper 7 year old daughter is back in school during the day! The problem I'm finding is energy. What do you guys do to get more energy? I'm on rotating shifts at work and right now I'm struggling to find energy for anything let alone working out. I know once I add a full courseload of school onto that, and my daughters school activities, I'm worried I'm not going to keep up with my diet/exercise plan. So my question is what do you guys do for extra energy? Is there a vitamin or is it simply drinking more water, fruits, or vegetables? I'm trying to stay away from energy drinks and energy shots even and am looking for something more natural. So any input would be helpful.

I have very few friends on here thus far so feel free to add me! :)


  • Laurenmp16
    Laurenmp16 Posts: 344 Member
    Welcome back! Honestly the only way I have energy is to workout regularly. If my body is used to exercising, it seems gets used to providing enough energy for that, plus some. Best of luck on your journey, and please feel free to add me!
  • chantwizzle83
    chantwizzle83 Posts: 82 Member
    I take a complex B vitamin everyday. It's pretty good for getting me pumped up for most of the day. Around 4 or 5, I usually get tired. If I have some fruit (or any snack really) I feel much better. I workout first thing in the morning too. You will burn more calories all day even if you have a desk job/class, and you can't fit in a workout in the evening. Maybe theres a class you could take with your daughter to fit in fitness and together time. Like swimming or whatever. I don't have kids, so I'm not an expert in that area. But I find working out, or going for a walk/run always gives me a little boost too.
  • kristle00
    kristle00 Posts: 140 Member
    Thanks! My job is 10 hours at my desk answering calls and doing computer stuff. I'm gonna start to try to workout after I wake up see if that helps and maybe look into the B vitamins! My daughter likes to do workout videos with me but gets very irritable if she can't do the moves...sometimes it's cute, sometimes it's annoying as heck! And with my rotating shifts we can't really do any classes together :-p however we have started walking together! We are going to enter into The Color Run end of september about 45 miles away from our hometown. She's 7 and thinks it will be a lot of fun so we are going on walks to get her little legs in shape for a 3 mile walk (or run if she has anything to do with it)! Thanks for the ideas and encouragement! :)