50 lbs Lost with more to go

My wife decided to go on another diet right before New Years to which is rolled my eyes as I would normally do and nodded in fake agreement. I mean really, how many times had I heard that over the years. Did she really mean it this time?

8 months later, I am 52 lbs down with another 13 to lose before I hit my high school weight. I started this jourmey at 243 lbs (after taking a year to drop from 260 to 243. Today I weigh in at 191 lbs!

I've also went from a size 42 pants and XL shirt to a size 36 and a medium shirt.

Ive had the perfect partner as my wife (sammie121403 on MFP) has kept with the journey just as I have and had met my loss, pound for pound, the whole way. She made me start this and is keeping me honest on my way to the finish line. Feel free to check out her loss at this link

Left picture is me at work sometime in 2011 maxing out at ~260 lbs. The middle is me at about 200 lbs and finally the last picture is 193. Im still working my way down to 178 and then the toning and muscle building begins.

[img]http://i1297.photobucket.com/albums/ag32/sammie121403/Weight loss/Justin50_zps0a292be9.png[/img]


  • nnelson33
    nnelson33 Posts: 101
    You look awesome!! Keep up the great work!
  • lovejulez03
    lovejulez03 Posts: 139 Member
    Awesome work! It's great that you and your wife are doing this together, you are both lucky and I'm happy for you , you look great :)
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