Getting started is HARD!



  • NHDaisy2
    NHDaisy2 Posts: 151 Member
    Can you incorporate any exercise into you day so it's not a before/after work situation? Can you walk during breaks at work?

    There was a time I felt much like you and the above was my only form of exercise. I have since joined a gym for the non-work days to get in some exercise. I hope that I will eventually work up to maybe using the gym during work days as well. It doesn't have to be all or nothing small changes help too.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,796 Member
    In my personal view, the magic is in finding something you enjoy so much that you'd do it even if it weren't good for you, that involves moving more. There are hundreds of options: Birdwatching, golf, martial arts, dozens of kinds of dance, ice or roller skating, swimming, cycling, rowing, tennis, walking, hula-hooping, juggling, yoga, wall or rock climbing, . . . .

    So, one option is to think "fun active hobby" not "exercise".
  • Calibrate
    Calibrate Posts: 52 Member
    I feel you, I just don't have the energy or motivation to work out after I've worked all day. So, to solve that problem, I work out in the AM, getting up at 4am to do it! The only downfall is that I feel so good after a good workout that I want to keep going!
  • mmebouchon
    mmebouchon Posts: 855 Member
    A friend to walk with or go to a class with, is what keeps me interested. Especially if it involves a social time after.
  • emilysusana
    emilysusana Posts: 416 Member
    Hey! We have things in common, like I also lost 30 lbs 2 years ago. Now I have 35-40 to lose and I’m just getting re-started.

    Like others have said, I’d never get to the excercise if I had to do it after work. If you can go even in the wee hours of the morning, it might be worth it. For me it sets the tone of the day.

    Another thing that’s helping me is finding new, healthy recipes I can be excited about. If you don’t have much time for food prep on work nights maybe try to make some stuff ahead on days off. I do better eating fewer, more nutrition-packed calories when I’m not thinking on the fly. And then meals are so enjoyable, instead of disappointing.

    Good luck! Friend me if you want to motivate each other to lose those 30 lbs again!