I suck at eating healthy! Any tips? :P



  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    Aye, that's what I was wondering about with "Gusto" - though I'll look around and compare prices/quality.

    As you said, it gets pricey if using it for every meal... so I'd need to use it to augment my diet rather than becoming it! Which makes sense of course!

    I shall look into it! :D

    ... I wonder how much it'd cost just to hire a cook... wow, not only would that probably be too much, that'd also be simply beyond mere laziness!

    Maybe get a wife? LOL My husband would eat spaghetti every day if he were single, just with different toppings :)

    @WholeFoods4Lyfe this is the best response ever! :lol:
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    annaskiski wrote: »
    I've used the Blue Apron meal kits for a few years now. They're healthy, and you can build up some recipes.
    You might consider yourself a sous chef after a while :) (and dazzle the ladies)

    @cprobertson12 in your position I would try a service like Blue Apron - is it available where you are? Sounds like you are in the UK? You could get meals for 2 or 4 and have the leftovers for lunches and other dinners.

    Let us know how their prices compare to your takeaways.
  • cprobertson12
    cprobertson12 Posts: 90 Member
    Confession time! I had a takeaway last night... but don't worry I have an excuse prepared! Want to hear it?

    Nah in all seriousness, some friends came over and they were going to EAT ALL MY FOOD because they are actually a pack of wild animals disguised as humans. Pizza was the best way to keep them away from my store - **hiss**

    The odd night off won't kill me: as long as I don't make a habit of having nights-off! I reckon 1 takeaway per 2 weeks (absolute maximum) should be a "safe" level of consumption. I'll aim for less though ;)

    kshama2001 wrote: »
    annaskiski wrote: »
    I've used the Blue Apron meal kits for a few years now. They're healthy, and you can build up some recipes.
    You might consider yourself a sous chef after a while :) (and dazzle the ladies)

    @cprobertson12 in your position I would try a service like Blue Apron - is it available where you are? Sounds like you are in the UK? You could get meals for 2 or 4 and have the leftovers for lunches and other dinners.

    Let us know how their prices compare to your takeaways.

    Let's see... they run the full gamut of prices from "holy bejesus people pay that?" to "wow that's strangely affordable".

    This independent article has a rough comparison of what's avialable in the UK with some rough pricing guidelines. From my quick glance last week, it seems prices ranging from £5 to £10 per person per meal are a decent ballpark figure - though of course there are he exceptions!