Stubborn Belly Fat



  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    Increase your calories slightly and incorporate weight training into your workouts. Add more protein to your diet.

    More cals + high protein will preserve muscle. Eating 1200 cals will burn muscle as well as fat, resulting in a drop in your metabolism, which is a likely reason why the stubborn belly fat isn't moving. :smile:

    ETA: Your body needs to run EFFICIENTLY to burn stubborn fat like that. Giving it more fuel (and from good sources, like protein) will help you be more efficient.

    Explain to me why I'm losing my belly fat from being in Japan, eating less protein, and way more sugar and starches?

    Maybe it's the greater calorie deficit? Hmmm...

    Because everyone's different and there isn't a one-fits-all for everyone.

    There is, however, an opportunity to share personal experiences (the above is the only thing that works for me) with the intention that someone may find it useful.

    Wait... If everyone is different, why would personal experiences be useful? Wouldn't they be completely irrelevant? Isn't the fact that we are all human and have the same basic hardware the whole point of getting together and talking about it? Isn't that also the basis for all of medical science and the assumption that makes experimentation on the entire population unnecessary?


    Run a deficit, you lose mass. When you lose mass, your body is going to go after more fat than muscle. For some, it will be less of one and more of the other. But you will lose fat if you run a deficit. Done. Yes it takes time, yes your weight will fluctuate, and yes, doing special voodoo can give you a feeling of empowerment that may be worth it in the end. But if we are handing out science based advice, it's really, really very simple.
  • peachfigs
    peachfigs Posts: 831 Member
    Increase your calories slightly and incorporate weight training into your workouts. Add more protein to your diet.

    More cals + high protein will preserve muscle. Eating 1200 cals will burn muscle as well as fat, resulting in a drop in your metabolism, which is a likely reason why the stubborn belly fat isn't moving. :smile:

    ETA: Your body needs to run EFFICIENTLY to burn stubborn fat like that. Giving it more fuel (and from good sources, like protein) will help you be more efficient.

    Explain to me why I'm losing my belly fat from being in Japan, eating less protein, and way more sugar and starches?

    Maybe it's the greater calorie deficit? Hmmm...

    Because everyone's different and there isn't a one-fits-all for everyone.

    There is, however, an opportunity to share personal experiences (the above is the only thing that works for me) with the intention that someone may find it useful.

    Wait... If everyone is different, why would personal experiences be useful? Wouldn't they be completely irrelevant? Isn't the fact that we are all human and have the same basic hardware the whole point of getting together and talking about it? Isn't that also the basis for all of medical science and the assumption that makes experimentation on the entire population unnecessary?


    You're missing the point and grossly over-analysing what I'm saying, not to mention making assumptions about my own opinions on science.

    To restate my original point, different things work for different people. Maybe OP will find my experience useful, maybe they won't. It doesn't really matter either way as long as they find what works for them. I'm just giving my two cents worth.

    ETA: Just keep doing what works for you. I'm glad you've found something that does. This will be my last response to you because I have no desire to debate or argue on an internet forum.
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    Increase your calories slightly and incorporate weight training into your workouts. Add more protein to your diet.

    More cals + high protein will preserve muscle. Eating 1200 cals will burn muscle as well as fat, resulting in a drop in your metabolism, which is a likely reason why the stubborn belly fat isn't moving. :smile:

    ETA: Your body needs to run EFFICIENTLY to burn stubborn fat like that. Giving it more fuel (and from good sources, like protein) will help you be more efficient.

    Explain to me why I'm losing my belly fat from being in Japan, eating less protein, and way more sugar and starches?

    Maybe it's the greater calorie deficit? Hmmm...

    Because everyone's different and there isn't a one-fits-all for everyone.

    There is, however, an opportunity to share personal experiences (the above is the only thing that works for me) with the intention that someone may find it useful.

    Wait... If everyone is different, why would personal experiences be useful? Wouldn't they be completely irrelevant? Isn't the fact that we are all human and have the same basic hardware the whole point of getting together and talking about it? Isn't that also the basis for all of medical science and the assumption that makes experimentation on the entire population unnecessary?


    You're missing the point and grossly over-analysing what I'm saying, not to mention making assumptions about my own opinions on science.

    To restate my original point, different things work for different people. Maybe OP will find my experience useful, maybe they won't. It doesn't really matter either way as long as they find what works for them. I'm just giving my two cents worth.

    ETA: Just keep doing what works for you. I'm glad you've found something that does. This will be my last response to you because I have no desire to debate or argue on an internet forum.

    By over analyzing you mean what exactly? Are you just saying that you don't want your totally incorrect blanket statement more appropriate to politics than science to be checked for logic? How does one over analyze a statement of fundamental truth such as "everyone's different"? Because its the exact opposite of an ACTUAL fundamental truth in my opinion. A fundamental truth that may seem a bit harsh, but which actually means there is HOPE for everyone: we are all the same and we can help each other by figuring out which is the signal and which is the noise.