Any active vegan peeps wanna be friendos? :)

I've been vegan for a few years and I figured it'd be nice to have some more friends on here; haven't really gotten into the social aspect of MFP, just used it to log everything I've put in my face the past few months. I think it's interesting to see what other veg people are eating, and helps me to spruce up my diet if things get boring :]



  • SelenaMariaStewart
    SelenaMariaStewart Posts: 112 Member
    We are already friends, but I’d like to have so,e more vegan peeps to do this with too!
  • mathispayne
    mathispayne Posts: 1 Member
    Hey! I'm looking for vegan friends as well. I've had my account for a while, but I'm now opening my log up so I can connect with others. I'm like you, looking to see what other vegans eat for inspiration and motivation.