First day... again :/

I’m starting this journey again.. for maybe the 100th time :( I need some motivation!!


  • plbg7254
    plbg7254 Posts: 3 Member
    Me too. Have had so many failures. Have tried a lot of different ways. THIS is going to work. I do much better when I have to write it down. Joined premium to use nutrition info.
  • shaf238
    shaf238 Posts: 4,021 Member
    You can achieve whatever goal you set out to achieve. Yes, it will take hard work, no one's going to kid you about that. But when you look good, and feel as great as you ever have, it will all be worth it. Don't give up!!
  • plbg7254
    plbg7254 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks and I agree. One day or sometimes mouthful at the time.
  • ahlxm9
    ahlxm9 Posts: 6 Member
    the fact that you haven't gave up yet is the first sign that you're on the right path.. you're starting again for the 100th time so what? doesn't matter as long as you learn from your mistakes and choose the diet and exercise that suits you
    ... now you might think im person who's fit and has reached their goal but im not i keep messing up i never reached my goal .. there was this one time where i finally lost a lot of weight but i ended up gaining it all back because i was starving myself and didn't have a proper diet..i got really frustrated about that and i gave up on it for months.. now i started again and this time i feel so motivated because i know a lot more information about fitness and workouts which prevents me from repeating my mistakes

    now i don't if what i said is even motivational.. but what im trying to say is good luck, never give up, you're not the only one failing but you're one of the few who haven't gave up, we can do this 👍