Getting started

Hi all,

So I’ve had this app for a while and I’ve started my journey repeatedly over the last 5 years, and never really made it out of the Shire, so to speak. I’ve become stronger over-all and I have a bit more energy than I used to, but I never really manage to lose the weight. I’ve fluctuate between being too strict and binging. The goal it to maintain a lifestyle that keeps my body healthy without harming me mentally. So my question to you all (anyone, really - please help) is: what mindset do you have when you start and how do you maintain it? Any tips on self-discipline are welcome, or anything else than you think might be useful to a beginner.

Thanks x


  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,011 Member
    How many pounds until you hit your goal weight? Many people struggle because they pick a weekly weight loss goal that is too aggressive for the weight they need to lose, and then fall into the restrict/binge cycle you mentioned.

    It's better to lose slower consistently, then cycle between losing fast and regaining.
  • Bobbleplast
    Bobbleplast Posts: 3 Member
    @kommodevaran prelogging is a great idea - I never thought about that! Especially cause I tend to start the day motivated and then lose it toward the end. And yeah, i guess slow and steady wins the race... it’s just hard to be patient and keep motivated. Any tips on staying motivated?

    @kshama2001 I’ve been aiming for 0,5 kg per week which I think is about 1 pound. My weight atm is about 75 kg (about 165.5 pounds). If I’m not wrong, then, that should be less than 1%, right?
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    @kommodevaran prelogging is a great idea - I never thought about that! Especially cause I tend to start the day motivated and then lose it toward the end. And yeah, i guess slow and steady wins the race... it’s just hard to be patient and keep motivated. Any tips on staying motivated?
    Actually, a better idea is to stop aiming to stay motivated. Are you motivated to go to work every day? Eating and moving are things you just do. Why would you stop eating and moving? Think about what you're eating and how you're moving. Is there something you want to do differently?
  • Deviette
    Deviette Posts: 978 Member
    @kommodevaran prelogging is a great idea - I never thought about that! Especially cause I tend to start the day motivated and then lose it toward the end. And yeah, i guess slow and steady wins the race... it’s just hard to be patient and keep motivated. Any tips on staying motivated?
    Actually, a better idea is to stop aiming to stay motivated. Are you motivated to go to work every day? Eating and moving are things you just do. Why would you stop eating and moving? Think about what you're eating and how you're moving. Is there something you want to do differently?

    Bolded for truth.

    Your analogy is amazing too.
  • Deviette
    Deviette Posts: 978 Member
    edited July 2018
    Hi OP,

    My suggestion is to make little changes. Try and learn the skills that will mean you continue your healthy eating habits well after you reach your goal weight.

    Always consider the long term implications of your food choices. By this I mean that, for example, I know that takeaways will always be a part of my life. Therefore it doesn't make sense to me to completely cut takeaways out of my diet while I'm trying to lose weight. It'll mean that I'll not know how to manage them once I reach my goal weight. So I have a takeaway occasionally, and fit it into my weekly goals. For me I'm trying to change my reason for eating them. I used to have a takeaway because I was bored, or because I couldn't be bothered to cook, or because it was a Tuesday. Now I won't have a takeaway if I've already got a meal planned, or food in the fridge that needs eating. It's a slight change in mentality that has changed the way I think about takeaways. And the result is that I'm eating less takeaways in general, and when I do have one, I enjoy them more. I have a takeaway now because I want a takeaway, not because its a lazy or easy option.

    Yes it means that my progress is slower than it could be otherwise, but I know that I am building habits and skills that I will continue to use once I do reach my goal weigh. And should stop me from yo-yoing back up again.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,011 Member
    @kommodevaran prelogging is a great idea - I never thought about that! Especially cause I tend to start the day motivated and then lose it toward the end. And yeah, i guess slow and steady wins the race... it’s just hard to be patient and keep motivated. Any tips on staying motivated?

    @kshama2001 I’ve been aiming for 0,5 kg per week which I think is about 1 pound. My weight atm is about 75 kg (about 165.5 pounds). If I’m not wrong, then, that should be less than 1%, right?

    What's your height and goal weight?
  • 1BlueAurora
    1BlueAurora Posts: 439 Member
    One thing I do to stay motivated about exercise is I write down what I am going to do for the next two weeks on the calendar IN INK. I write in the time (like, "8:00 a.m. Run 2 miles") just like it was a doctor's appointment and I keep that appointment with myself. I go whether I really feel like it or not. I'm not always motivated, it's just impossible to have enthusiasm for anything 100% of the time so I no longer expect that.

    Maybe before you go to sleep, you can plan out your meals for the next day, including snacks. Just sketch out what you'll eat and stick to it. If you get to the end of the day and you have calories left over and you're hungry, have some discipline and eat that much and no more.