6.5lbs away from goal but.....

My goal is 121lb because that was my ‘normal’ weight my whole adult life and then I gained some 20lbs while in an unhappy relationship the last two years.

I’m now 6.5lbs away from my goal which is obviously really close but physically I feel I look like a little while away from it.... my jeans feel as though I might need to lose another inch around the lower belly. Is it possible that I’m going to look different at the same weight, or could it be that those last 6.5lbs will make all the difference in the last bit of fat loss? I intend on starting recomp once I’m at goal.

Appreciate the advice - thanks in advance :)


  • Clawsal
    Clawsal Posts: 255 Member
    6 lbs can make a difference if you weigh around 120 lbs. If it comes off the right places...
  • motivatedmartha
    motivatedmartha Posts: 1,108 Member
    Well done on attacking the added 20lbs - I suggest you lose the last 6lbs before you woryy about what you will look like. I am quite a different shape to when I was last this weight but my weight has been up and down much more dramatically than 20 lbs over the last 20 odd years - and I am now 62 - so that was inevitable. It is unlikely that your body will have changed through age in the last 2 years so fret not. If you are unhappy after you reach your goal you can consider whether you need to lose more or do some strength training to get your shape back.
  • CarvedTones
    CarvedTones Posts: 2,340 Member
    I am shaped very different than I was before, but I lost ~65 pounds and it has been decades since I was last this weight. I have difficulty finding pants that fit well now. I am not just shaped different than I was before; I am shaped different than most people. Not enough to look out of proportion or anything but when you gain and then lose, there is no guarantee that the places where the gain packed on is where the weight will come off.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,104 Member
    Yes, it could make a big difference. I know it does for me.

    Well done on your weight loss.
  • allison8668
    allison8668 Posts: 885 Member
    You body can definitely change noticeably from now until you lose the 6.5 pounds. I can give you a personal example - for the month of July, I lost 1 pound. But, I also lost 2 inches from my waist during that time.
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    6.5lbs when they are the last you need to lose can make a HUGE difference.
  • Running_and_Coffee
    Running_and_Coffee Posts: 811 Member
    So as someone whose goal was 10 lbs, I can assure you 6 lbs is a really big deal when you're not carrying much extra weight. That being said, I would also say those are "vanity pounds." Meaning, your health likely won't change whether you lose them or not. It might be the difference between a size S and XS. But you also might decide you look and feel absolutely fine now. Smaller/thinner isn't always "better."
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    So as someone whose goal was 10 lbs, I can assure you 6 lbs is a really big deal when you're not carrying much extra weight. That being said, I would also say those are "vanity pounds." Meaning, your health likely won't change whether you lose them or not. It might be the difference between a size S and XS. But you also might decide you look and feel absolutely fine now. Smaller/thinner isn't always "better."

    Well said.

    There is also a lot to be said for recomp, which I seem to be inadvertantly doing at the moment and am rather happy with the results of.
  • collectingblues
    collectingblues Posts: 2,541 Member
    So as someone whose goal was 10 lbs, I can assure you 6 lbs is a really big deal when you're not carrying much extra weight. That being said, I would also say those are "vanity pounds." Meaning, your health likely won't change whether you lose them or not. It might be the difference between a size S and XS. But you also might decide you look and feel absolutely fine now. Smaller/thinner isn't always "better."

    Agreed. Five pounds is about one size for me, and even though I know people aren't supposed to get caught up in sizes, the reality is that people *do* care. And it can be hard to not get wrapped up in that. (I feel like this is one of those things that heavier people don't grasp -- when you're slimmer/more "normal" weight, those five-10 pounds really do make a difference!)

    But, even with all of the angst, thanks to strength training, I'm still three sizes smaller than I was the last time at this weight. I may not feel good about my weight, but at least I feel not-as-sucky about my size.
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    the difference (for me) between 120 and 130 is very significant. Abs versus fluff.
  • PokeyBug
    PokeyBug Posts: 482 Member
    Start recomp now and reassess your weight goal after you see what it does to how you look. I was 125# all my adult life until I had a really bad accident when I was 29. Though I weighed 118# when I got out of the hospital months later, I didn't look healthy at all. Because I wasn't. I was hypothyroid and no one had figured it, and I wasn't allowed to even walk to the bathroom (broken femur), so all that "lost" weight was actually lost muscle. My injuries were pretty complex, and I never got back into working out like I had before the accident, so I gained a lot of weight in the years after.

    Anyway, fast forward to now. I've been losing slowly but surely, and I'm supposedly 7 lbs. from my goal. I started walking to help with the weight loss and recently added resistance to the mix (light lifting and planks). My goal is 130#, 5 lbs. heavier than when I was in my 20's, but now I'm not sure I'm really going to need to get that low. A goal weight is nice to have in the beginning, for motivation's sake, but I'm not going to worry about a number on the scale at this point. It's all about how satisfied I am with what I see in the mirror before I step into the shower.