Trust the Process

I've been feeling a little bummed that the scale was only moving at about .5lbs a week this month. I have stuck to around 1300 calories most days. I was lifting weights 4 times a week. I still have 20lbs to lose. I had dreams of sugar plums and scales dropping faster, reality had other plans.

Then I took my 1 month progress photos. I've read a dozen times you don't gain muscle in a deficit, but this sure looks like more than a 2.8 lbs loss to me.

and clearly the process is working.





  • Cassandraw3
    Cassandraw3 Posts: 1,214 Member
    This is why pictures and body measurements are so important! Fat loss can be easily masked on a scale by water weight and other things. Great work! Your hard work shows.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,487 Member
    Indeed it is. Give yourself credit, body recomp while losing is a fine line to walk. Good work.
  • laurasurga
    laurasurga Posts: 27 Member
    Can you gain muscle while eating 1200cals a day? I sometimes go up to a max is 1500 maybe 2 days a week.
    I’ve plateaued recently so started exercising (20mins HIIT spin bike) 20 mins strength training on arms, abs, legs. Weight is still not moving on the scales ☹️
    I’m currently 179lb and want to get to 140lbs 😕