Yes, I hate it... now what?

Ok, so I fully admit: I hate (HATE) exercise. I have yet to find one thing I enjoy short of yoga classes I used to take at a local gym. (And I've tried MANY different things) But now with 2 kids under 3 y.o there is no way I can get out of the house and to a gym (and no money to join a gym for that matter).

Yes, I know that "if I was really committed" I'd find a way. I do get that. But at this point - with 15lbs to go - its hard to stay motivated. If it were 50 or 75 to go I'd have no other choice. But with 15 to go I keep telling myself I can just control it with food intake. But obviously that's an excuse.

What home-based workouts do you do that you don't hate? :D We have a Wii fit and I tried that for a while but it doesn't really do much for weight loss. I just read a study that says walking - unless you're speed walking - won't get you very far either. I welcome any creative suggestions!!


  • etarre
    etarre Posts: 147 Member
    If you like yoga, there are a lot of yoga DVDs out there...including some targeted specifically for weight loss. I've found reviews on Amazon really helpful in selecting workout videos, and if you have Netflix, you can always order them as a preview or even find them on the streaming feature.
  • HeatherCanDoIt
    HeatherCanDoIt Posts: 165 Member
    I have 2 small children at home too. I can always fit in the 30 Day Shred, it is nice and short but a great workout.
  • simona1972
    simona1972 Posts: 355 Member
    I workout at home because I HATE gyms. I'd recommend any of the Jillian Michaels or Bob Harper DVDs. Bob has a new series of DVDs out that you can order on his website:
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    I use Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home videos. I can do them before the kids get up. (Yes, getting up that early was hard at first, but it's been worth it!) She gets me going, and then before I know it, I'm working up a sweat. It's more like easy to follow low-impact aerobics, but it has worked for me--15 lbs down!
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    :flowerforyou: I dance... I do belly dancing (definitely works the core!) and just love to dance in general. I suffer from chronic pain but due to the fact I love music and dancing - I do what I am able. In the short, I'm moving and I believe that is the key to exercise. I have CD's that I have burnt that have the songs that I can't help but want to move to so that I'm actually getting close to an hour's worth of movemet. Just a suggestion - it may help motivate for other exercise. :flowerforyou:
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Well, how about viewing things as exercise that you have to do (to burn calories, lose weight, etc.) and just think of ways that you can be more active in your every day life. Do you like to bike? Do you like to dance? Take some ballroom dancing lessons, get out the bikes with your family and go for a spin. Ever played tennis? Grab some rackets and find a park where you can play with a friend. Cross country skiing? Snowshoeing? (I didn't check where you live, but I'm in Minnesota, so these are viable options for me at least. :laugh: ). Canoeing? Kayaking?

    I find that I often just have to slug it out with my workouts (I like short and sweet circuit training like 30 Day Shred or the stuff on but I also try to find opportunities to just be active instead of going to a movie and sitting on my bum or watching TV all evening. The little active things that you enjoy will be what you maintain in the long term anyway.
  • mmmpink
    mmmpink Posts: 25
    I used to hate exercising too, but now I'm pretty much addicted to it. I can do so much now that I have been working out regularly that I couldn't dream of doing before. And I never want to go back to being as out of shape as I used to be so I let that be my motivator to stick with it. That, and it just feels so good when you finish a really tough workout.
    TurboFire is a new workout that I'm doing, and it is so much fun. The music's great and they range from 15 mins to an hour, so you can always find something with what time you have.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Wow,,, the kids situation makes it tough. I like to slip out for an hour on my bicycle. Burns up a ton of calories and is actually fun to do. But with the li'l fellers around that a no-go. Can you con hubs or somebody into watching the wee trolls for an hour a day?

    30 day shred is pretty cool, I enjoy that. Gardening - yard work ain't bad and you can involve the kiddies in that one. Anything you can do that keeps you off the couch is good.

    BTW - you can do this with calorie control alone. It's healthier and more fun and you get to eat more if you can get some exercise,,, but the secret is pretty much straight up Cals-in/Cals-out... and diet alone can do it. I lost my first 25 or 30 on diet alone (of course I had a lot to lose,,,).
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    If you have ExerciseTV On Demand they have a lot of workouts on there for free. Also there is FitTv, and they have various workouts on there to try also.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Wow,,, the kids situation makes it tough. I like to slip out for an hour on my bicycle. Burns up a ton of calories and is actually fun to do. But with the li'l fellers around that a no-go. Can you con hubs or somebody into watching the wee trolls for an hour a day?

    However, there are lots of contraptions like bike trailers for kids to sit in and even trail-a-bikes for when they get old enough to pedal themselves. I see parents with kids in tow on bikes ALL the time (I do live in America's #1 Bike City -- Minneapolis WOOT! :happy: ). What better way to get the whole family involved and active?

  • LeahSylina
    LeahSylina Posts: 40
    Flippy, have you ever tried pilates? I have a pilates DVD that I really enjoy, and like you I hate exersize. It's great for toning and if you build more lean muscle that should help you burn more fat, or so I'm told. Pilates is actually quite a good workout for me. I also have a friend who swears by the 30 day shred.

    Also do you have a bike? You could always get one of those little bike trailers that you put your kiddos in and bring them with you.
  • simona1972
    simona1972 Posts: 355 Member
    Wow,,, the kids situation makes it tough. I like to slip out for an hour on my bicycle. Burns up a ton of calories and is actually fun to do. But with the li'l fellers around that a no-go. Can you con hubs or somebody into watching the wee trolls for an hour a day?

    However, there are lots of contraptions like bike trailers for kids to sit in and even trail-a-bikes for when they get old enough to pedal themselves. I see parents with kids in tow on bikes ALL the time (I do live in America's #1 Bike City -- Minneapolis WOOT! :happy: ). What better way to get the whole family involved and active?


    Ive never seen those trail-a-bikes before....those are so neat!
  • maddox22
    maddox22 Posts: 91
    What about playing with your kids? Cleaning the house (not fun, but definitely exercise)? Walking the dog?

    Don't knock walking. It's a great form of exercise, pretty much anyone can do it, and it's functional--you can walk to run errands, so you're not "just exercising". And it's something you can do with your kids. Ideas to make walking more interesting/fun for you and your kids:
    1. Go on a nature walk. Set a goal of walking outside for 30 or 45 minutes (or more if you can spare it). Take your kids. The goal of the walk is to find four (or however many) new plants, animals, rock shapes, etc., that you've never noticed or seen before. Pay attention to where you're walking and what you're seeing. Don't worry about how far you go or how fast--just walk.
    2. Walk along a busy shopping street, and look at the window displays. (You might want to skip candy/toy displays if your kids are likely to get into "gimme" mode.) Ask your kids to name shapes, colors, letters, etc that they see. There's a decent amount of scientific evidence that talking to your kids (more than just "Time for dinner" or "Wash your hands") improves their language skills, reading skills, and overall success in school--and the younger you start, the better off they are.
    3. Play I Spy.
    4. Get a ball, frisbee, or pool noodle and play catch, tag, etc.

    Exercise doesn't have to be in a gym, and it doesn't have to make you sweaty and stinky.

    If the kids take up a lot of your time, find stuff you can do WITH them instead of IN SPITE OF them. You'll get your exercise while having fun, they'll burn off all that energy, and you'll be setting them up for good habits as they get older.
  • worththeweight
    I recommend the Biggest loser yoga for weight loss DVD. it's intense!! do it at nap time. I also enjoy a good dance DVD. I bought one at best buy. they had the best selection. they are fun, not like working out. I loved learning the routines and dancing to the music. I also found a Paula Abdul dance workout video at a garage sale and it's really fun too!
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    Ok, so I fully admit: I hate (HATE) exercise. I have yet to find one thing I enjoy short of yoga classes I used to take at a local gym. (And I've tried MANY different things) But now with 2 kids under 3 y.o there is no way I can get out of the house and to a gym (and no money to join a gym for that matter).

    Yes, I know that "if I was really committed" I'd find a way. I do get that. But at this point - with 15lbs to go - its hard to stay motivated. If it were 50 or 75 to go I'd have no other choice. But with 15 to go I keep telling myself I can just control it with food intake. But obviously that's an excuse.

    What home-based workouts do you do that you don't hate? :D We have a Wii fit and I tried that for a while but it doesn't really do much for weight loss. I just read a study that says walking - unless you're speed walking - won't get you very far either. I welcome any creative suggestions!!

    I had to quit going to the guym after I had my baby I just didn't have time bc my husband is a college bball coach. So I started with the FIRM set of weights and videos I lost and toned fast!!! it's fun if you don't want to do the whole video they have a short version of it to. It's great. ]
  • Flippy44
    Flippy44 Posts: 77
    Thanks Everyone!

    I love the idea of dancing! For that reason I've thought about the Zumba but dunno much about it. Lots of you seem to like the Shred! I'll also check out the FIRM dvd and the BL Yoga DVD. I do have the Windsor Pilates DVDs .. probably should get them out. I do have the 8 min DVD set (8 min abs, thighs, hips, etc) but I never feel like that's an honest workout. Better than nothing but still... maybe if I string a few of them together to keep my heart rate up.

    I do love biking, but sadly no matter what trailer you have, you just can't take a 3 month old along. Next summer though!!

    For now I'm really going to focus on my cals (that much I can do) and try to do at least one thing a day - even if its just walking a mile.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    Wow,,, the kids situation makes it tough. I like to slip out for an hour on my bicycle. Burns up a ton of calories and is actually fun to do. But with the li'l fellers around that a no-go. Can you con hubs or somebody into watching the wee trolls for an hour a day?

    However, there are lots of contraptions like bike trailers for kids to sit in and even trail-a-bikes for when they get old enough to pedal themselves. I see parents with kids in tow on bikes ALL the time (I do live in America's #1 Bike City -- Minneapolis WOOT! :happy: ). What better way to get the whole family involved and active?


    Ive never seen those trail-a-bikes before....those are so neat!

    Pah! I would want to sit on the back and get my kid to pedal ME about though :laugh:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Thanks Everyone!

    I love the idea of dancing! For that reason I've thought about the Zumba but dunno much about it. Lots of you seem to like the Shred! I'll also check out the FIRM dvd and the BL Yoga DVD. I do have the Windsor Pilates DVDs .. probably should get them out. I do have the 8 min DVD set (8 min abs, thighs, hips, etc) but I never feel like that's an honest workout. Better than nothing but still... maybe if I string a few of them together to keep my heart rate up.

    I do love biking, but sadly no matter what trailer you have, you just can't take a 3 month old along. Next summer though!!

    For now I'm really going to focus on my cals (that much I can do) and try to do at least one thing a day - even if its just walking a mile.

    I love biking! It is not recommended to put children under one in a trailer so what to do? At a bike store I found a trainer that takes your regular bike and turns it into a indoor training bike. It was a little over $100. When the kids go down for a nap or in the morning before they wake up you can get it a bike ride and not even leave the house.

    I do home daycare now and I still keep it set-up in my office so that if they all sleep at the same time I jump on it and get in a quick ride while they are sleeping. Not as much fun as biking outside (I do a lot of reading while sitting on that seat it helps pass the time)

    Finding an activity you love will help keep you moving!
  • Flippy44
    Flippy44 Posts: 77
    I've seen those too! Maybe I could find one locally on CList or something! It would be a great way to watch TV!! :D
  • scarecrow41
    scarecrow41 Posts: 116
    Don't listen to "studies" that suggest any certain excercise will or won't contribute to weight loss. Weight loss is 100% from what you put in your mouth, not what workout you do.