Chronic Pain and Weight Loss



  • oceanblue6
    oceanblue6 Posts: 76 Member
  • FerretBuellerr
    FerretBuellerr Posts: 468 Member
    Gah, it seems my post on back pain wasn't as popular as this one :wink:

    I've got the slipped dics/dics degerneration really bad and have since I was 14 (almost 10 years). I could barely walk for a few years without being in extreme sciatic pain. Physio and attempting to bike where ever I can has helped quite a bit, but I'm still nervous about doing any high-intensity workouts for fear of making the injury worse again.

    It's sucks that some of us have to live with chronic pain, especially when we're still in our youth (I always thought chronic pain was for "old people" :laugh: ) But at the same time, it's very inspiring to see so many of us trying to overcome our difficulties and make the changes in our lives that we want!

    Feel free to add me, anyone, if you like :smile:
  • FerretBuellerr
    FerretBuellerr Posts: 468 Member
    Hello ladies & Gents,

    I am 27 and have lived with chronic pain for 3 years, i have had bursitis bad for 4 months and sciatic pain for almost 1 year on top of the other stuff. I have gained 20 lbs in the past 2 years, i have been really struggling and trying to convince myself that the scales are lying to me. I have since lost 7 pounds in 2 months, I have struggled through each pound and am just trying to see if there are any ideas or advice?

    I've been told swimming is really good for the sciatic pain/protruding discs. Low impact on the back and legs but you can still do a lot of cardio in the water!
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    The worst is a day like today when there is a low pressure system DUMPING rain and messing with my joints! Back is not happy today! Anyone else have increased pain with bad weather? Swimming has always been my go to, just so hard getting their working full time, and then being mommy and wife when I get home! One day I will have my own pool. I've been walking with pushing the baby on nice days and it's been so nice to exercise OUTSIDE!!!
  • JosieFury
    JosieFury Posts: 18 Member
    Dx'd with fibro and MS and have some pretty horrid back injuries (I fell and landed on my feet and then my *kitten*, which resulted in heel to hip stress fractures and L1-L5 compression), along with hereditary arthritis and a left knee that hates me due to a bullet grazing.

    I have one of those mini stepper/elliptical things with the resistance bands and hell, even if I can manage 5 minutes on that before or after each meal, that's 15 minutes a day of doing SOMETHING. She's occasionally perky to the point of nausea-inducing, but Leslie Sansone's Walk Away The Pounds videos are awesome when it's rainy/crappy (I'm in New England myself).
  • MountainMamaMarissa
    MountainMamaMarissa Posts: 202 Member
    The worst is a day like today when there is a low pressure system DUMPING rain and messing with my joints! Back is not happy today! Anyone else have increased pain with bad weather? Swimming has always been my go to, just so hard getting their working full time, and then being mommy and wife when I get home! One day I will have my own pool. I've been walking with pushing the baby on nice days and it's been so nice to exercise OUTSIDE!!!

    Exactly. The weather messes with my Rheumatoid Arthritis and herniated discs.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    I have had Undiagnosed gluteal pain for two years. My best tip is to eat well you never know when you can't exercise
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Most of my exercise is cleaning, house work, and playing with a 10 month old :-) Tomorrow will be a big cleaning day as I'm having a cookout Sunday for my college friends since I never see them (and their kids). I gotta clean/organize inside and out and I'm looking forward to it because it's forcing me to get he house back on track (and go through old clothes that don't fit/out of style)

    Also another helpful thing, calcium and vitamin D supplements/vitamins I have found really helpful (I found out that I have a severe vitamin D deficiency about 3-4 years ago which effects the bones)
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I exercise nearly every day because it helps me with pain. I've had to change to lower impact exercise most of the time, however i don't see myself ever voluntarily stopping, even if the only thing I can do at some point is to swim.

    Edit: swimming is great. Even if I'm having too much neck and shoulder pain to use my arms, I can do laps with a kick board.
  • jeanniecognazzo
    I feel for you! I have both the planters & Achilles in the same foot ( right). I have been told to stay off my foot. How do I do that and lose weight at the same time? I go to the pool when I can.
  • cicisiam
    cicisiam Posts: 491 Member