Paleo Pals

I'm eating like a cavewoman! Is anyone else currently doing this diet? I would love to get in touch with other people on the Paleo diet who would like to share recipes and experiences.


  • MrsSandra
    MrsSandra Posts: 26 Member
    I started paleo. Monday will be two weeks for me. Eating lean meats (not TONS of it). Eating TONS of vegetables. Some small amounts of sweet potato or red potato scattered throughout the week (maybe twice a week). No grains, no gluten. No dairy, no sugar. All sugars are from two pieces of fruit a day, 72% dark cocoa chocolate and rarely a scant amount of raw local honey or 100% maple syrup. LOTS of coconut oil for cooking. Salads and veggies drizzled in avocado oil, or olive oil. Himalayan sea salt. I need to drink more water. (water is all I drink). Taking magnesium, cinnamon capsules, Vit D3 and B complex. Sesame seeds, dark leafy greens and chia seeds for natural calcium. The scale is going down, I dont feel bloated, like I use to. We are use to ordering take out or going out to eat. Since starting paleo we have eaten all meals cooked at home. I use lots of lemon juice for vitamin C. Homemade Lemon chicken with broccoli..Yumm and I squeeze lemons on salads. So far so good. I read that we can lose weight this way, if we follow it and eat only 3 non paleo meals a month. meals (not days)..... So far I have not had a non paleo meal. Soon, though, very soon ;-)
  • MrsSandra
    MrsSandra Posts: 26 Member
    I'd like to add, that I LOVE that I dont have to measure or count calories....If ever the scale stops moving in the right direction for a long period of time...I will then begin measuring/weighing and keeping record.
  • Shabawan
    Shabawan Posts: 37
    It's nice to your motivation, I am trying to be on poleo diet but I can't live without wheat :(
  • kitty0889
    I've just started! I'm vegetarian though, so it's quite a challenge finding low-carb protein sources. Is anyone else a bit scared by the high fat percentage? I read it should be 50-70% of your calories; and hearing "fat will make you fat" all my life makes me a little leery. I understand the idea, but still, how is it possible to eat so much fat and still lose weight?
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Neither potatoes nor sweet potatoes are "paleo".
  • melissaw78
    melissaw78 Posts: 214 Member
    Not exactly Paleo, but I try to stick to "one ingredient" foods.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    If you do a search in MFP's group section, you'll find several paleo dedicated groups there :)
  • smsgreaves
    smsgreaves Posts: 57 Member
    Yep I started just over 2 weeks ago, loving that the scales are finally moving again! I do allow a weeny bit of dairy so I guess I'm more 'Primal' than strict Paleo, but pretty close, would love to share recipes!
  • ewrob
    ewrob Posts: 136 Member
    I'm eating like a cavewoman!

    So you're eating rodents, insects and wild vegetation?
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    The Paleo lifestyle is not a "diet". If it is treated as a temporary measure then results will be temporary. It also has no intention of emulating the diet of a caveman. The premise of the Paleo lifestyle is to eat a diet based on unprocessed, biologically appropriate foods. Calling it a "caveman" diet is what gets us so ridiculed by others. This lifestyle is for HEALTH, first and foremost. However, weight loss is a nice side effect of being healthy.

    Yes, sweet potatoes are considered "Paleo"-there is no disagreement on that one. There are different viewpoints on what is Paleo or not, even within our community.

    This is not a lifestyle suitable for vegans/vegetarians. To the vegetarian who is trying to be low carb but also avoiding fat- you are going to hurt yourself, please STOP. High protein is NOT safe. Low carb must be high fat by necessity.

    BTW natural, saturated fats are very healthy. It's a big "fat" lie that we have been told, and in case anyone hasn't noticed, health is deteriorating, not improving since people have reduced saturated fat from animals. Anyways, I refuse to go into more details here.

    Anyway, more info can be gained by doing some research to make sure one really understands the lifestyle and if you want clear, honest opinions from long time Paleo people join the Primal/Paleo Support Group. Things get silly real fast out here in the general forums.
  • Woomytron
    Woomytron Posts: 253 Member
    Neither potatoes nor sweet potatoes are "paleo".

    Sweet potatoes ARE paleo, just if you are trying to lose weight while on paleo you limit your intake of them. :smile:

    You may add me if you like. I try and do mostly paleo... a few slip ups here and there but no one is perfect right? :laugh:
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Sweet potatoes may be considered primal, but they are most assuredly not paleo by any meaningful definition, as we, as a species, did not start eating them until *after* the agrarian revolution took hold.

    Ditto for regular potatoes.

    I like them, and eat them, but sorry, they are not paleo.
  • MrsSandra
    MrsSandra Posts: 26 Member
    I eat occasional root vegetables. No rice, no grain, no wheat, no gluten, no dairy, no sugar. I think most people have to find what works for them. If I stop losing I will cut out the potatoes. I have them very rarely anyways. I believe there are DIFFERENT views on what Paleo is.... BASICALLY Im learning to eat healthier. I have a daughter she is 15, she gets hive and constipation (not overweight) she eats the SAD. She and I are doing this together. She has always had hives, never knew why, they were getting worse, almost daily. So we cut everything hives in two weeks, no bloating and no more constipation for her. For me, I just feel great and am losing, Im sure my blood work numbers should be good, since most of my carb is coming from a couple pieces of fruits a day. If it works, I will keep it up..if not, I wont.... Iv seen potatoes on Paleo Books and recipes, by the way :-) I know some people who have turned off all symptoms of MS...and other health issues eating this way. They DO NOT EAT any potatoes except sweet potatoes, because white potatoes are supposedly 'dark shades" and are therefor inflammatory foods..... Im not into really eating like a caveman....but Im am SUPER EXCITED about eating GOOD HEALTHY foods :) and Im excited that I am losing and not having to count calories. Im also excited that this way of eating IS NOT like Adkins, we DO NOT go into KETOSIS...we eat carbs, healthy carbs (fruits, molasses, raw local honey, 100% maple) in baking with almond flour or coconut flour. I am surprised at how little I have craved grains, sweets or wheat. Very surprised. I like corn tortillas, but am not having corn right now. Instead I put lean taco meat into a romaine lettuce wrap and top it with guacamole. But, like I sad I will eat 3 non paleo meals a month and see how that goes. When I want something sweet, which is not been every day, normally I want something sweet every day, but I believe since my body is getting all the nutrients it is needing, I am not CRAVING....but when I do want something sweet, I eat a piece of fruit, I can melt 72% dark chocolate bar pieces and coat the banana pieces, put them on waxed paper and into the freezer for a few minutes and that solves my sweet desire. another treat is putting an orange into the blender, a splash of real bottled vanilla, a splash of 100% maples syrup, ice and a splash of organic coconut milk...blend....YUMM. Everyone loves it. So far Im losing, Im feeling better than I have in a long time, not feeling bloated. It's working for me
  • ewrob
    ewrob Posts: 136 Member
    BTW natural, saturated fats are very healthy. It's a big "fat" lie that we have been told, and in case anyone hasn't noticed, health is deteriorating, not improving since people have reduced saturated fat from animals.

    I, (a vegan) have lost over 90 pounds in 5 months by completely eliminating saturated fat from animals, as well as all other animal products, from my diet. I'm also in the best shape of my life, by a long shot.

    I call shenanigans.
  • Woomytron
    Woomytron Posts: 253 Member
    Sweet potatoes may be considered primal, but they are most assuredly not paleo by any meaningful definition, as we, as a species, did not start eating them until *after* the agrarian revolution took hold.

    Ditto for regular potatoes.

    I like them, and eat them, but sorry, they are not paleo.

    Ok think whatever you want, I'm not going to fight with you about it... but if you just google "Are sweet potatoes paleo?" you will find page after page of YES they are. I just figured I would let you know.
  • MrsSandra
    MrsSandra Posts: 26 Member
    Some Paleos eat cheese...We are not right now. Some eat lots of bacon....we eat it occasionally if it's nitrate free organic, no hormones, whatever.....but we dont eat A LOT of bacon or fatty foods. To each his own. If it works for you good. I think maybe we can consider PALEO as a basis of clean eating and each person can add or subtract after considering how each of our bodies react differently to each ingredient. That's what we are doing in our family. Im the only one that needs to lose weight. Being healthy and losing is what really me anyways. Not a list of rules.
  • MrsSandra
    MrsSandra Posts: 26 Member
    Today I had a red potato, (hadnt had potatoes or any other starch for quite a few days)..... and one red potato, about the size of medium orange, was enough to satisfy me for lunch. I was in a hurry, put it in the microwave, while I soft boiled a couple eggs. I put a little avocado oil drizzle on the ONE potato, squeezed some lemon on it, sprinkled with Italian herbs and a bit of Himalayan sea salt and cracked pepper and was VERY SATISFIED for many hours.

    Normally I could eat a HUGE STUFFED POTATO....and I mean JUMBO I really think the paleo way of eating is meeting my nutritional needs and therefor Im not craving big meals or portions :)
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,018 Member
    BTW natural, saturated fats are very healthy. It's a big "fat" lie that we have been told, and in case anyone hasn't noticed, health is deteriorating, not improving since people have reduced saturated fat from animals.

    I, (a vegan) have lost over 90 pounds in 5 months by completely eliminating saturated fat from animals, as well as all other animal products, from my diet. I'm also in the best shape of my life, by a long shot.

    I call shenanigans.
    Of course you do, lol.
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    Neither potatoes nor sweet potatoes are "paleo".

    'scuse me?
  • StacyReneO
    StacyReneO Posts: 317 Member
    I'm a paleo girl too! But I am probably 80%. I cut out dairy, soy & grains, eat grass fed meats, organic produce, make my own BBQ sauce, mayo, etc but I do drink a protein drink that is pea and brown rice protein.