Friends? Support ? Helloooo

RedPowder Posts: 44 Member
edited July 2018 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone,

So I’ve been on the app around 10 days now and it’s working great. I’m excited to say that I’m losing weight and I couldn’t be more happier. I’m looking to add people so maybe I can get some ideas from their diary’s of what kinds of food they’re eating.

I’m pretty new to the whole dieting thing but I’ve learned so much from the MFP forums and I’m generally thankful for the wonderful discussions that I’ve had on here already.

Anyways so like I said if anyone’s in the mood to support me and have some support back feel free to to add me it would be appreciated. S

The reasons behind me wanting to lose weight is that I’m tired of living down I wanna live up I wanna live life to the fullest. I’m only 28 I’ve got a lot of years ahead of me so if I don’t start being healthier that will change for the worse.

Here’s a picture of my little man :) I HAVE TO make the right choices for so he can live to be a healthy young man too.


  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    Welcome to MFP. Feel free to add me if you want. I am in maintenance, sometimes cutting sometimes gaining. I reached my original goal back in 2016 but still log daily to keep myself on track. I'm fairly tall and work out 4-5 days a week so even cutting I eat a bit over 2000 calories a day on average. My diary is visible to friends at all times.
  • ibrown0785
    ibrown0785 Posts: 9 Member
    You can do this... We can do this
  • mejleon
    mejleon Posts: 2 Member
    Let's get it. 💪
  • Frappleberry
    Frappleberry Posts: 251 Member
    I love your phrase, living up. I want to do that too, add me! I’m just starting and am posting daily
  • mattdale5832
    mattdale5832 Posts: 3 Member
    Good luck! Feel free to add
  • galjuanjr
    galjuanjr Posts: 2 Member
    Feel free to add me, I do lots of research on nutrition and exercise.
  • tonyculo
    tonyculo Posts: 1 Member
    edited August 2018
    Hi RED, I've never ever responded to anything before... I would just read and be inspired by the Pals on here. Something inside me said, " talk to this guy". Just a warning that this might get lengthy but I'll try to keep it at a reasonable length.

    On May 14th, 2018, I got on my scale and it read 275 lbs. I'm 5'8" ! I was in a car accident 21 years ago, suffered some pretty good physical and psychological injuries. Back then I weighed 175 LBS. I gained weight due to medications, limited ability to do physical activity, and sheer laziness. I've yoyo'd up and down over the years, heaviest was 298 LBS in 2011. In 2015 I got down to 205, then chronic pain and depression took hold of me and I let them win again!

    In 2017 I promised myself that I would get back down to 175 by my 50th birthday which will be August 9, 2019.
    As I mentioned earlier, I was 275 May 14th, I got pissed off at myself and said enough is enough and that week I lost 5 LBS. May 21st, I had a heart attack and I should be dead.

    It was a "nice wake-up call" to say the least. Smoking, BIG time stress, being overweight and inactive for too long were huge factors.
    This time I told depression and chronic pain to go where they belong...OUT OF MY LIFE FOR GOOD! Easier said than done, but I'm doing it slowly but surely, I now weigh 239.6 LBS ( losing 35.4 Lbs since being released from hospital).

    I always ate well but my portions were all wrong. I started walking and cycling at a leisurely pace averaging about 6 miles a day or a good hour of some type of exercise about a week after my heart attack.
    I started Cardiac Rehab and have learned a lot so far. I learned about portion size and what to eat and avoid.
    What struck me hard with your post is when you wrote DIET. The best way to look at healthy changes is to change the words from Diet and Exercise to Fitness and Healthy Eating Habits. It's a complete lifestyle change and by using the words I prefer puts me and I hope others into a better mindset when trying to get healthier.

    In my opinion, If there is a "diet" to follow it would be The Mediterranean Diet or The Mediterranean Lifestyle would be a better term for it.
    It tells you to concentrate on certain foods more than others, having friends or family over for dinner and how many times a week you should be eating these foods. Being an Italo-Canadian this was easy for me because I've been doing it all my life, just that I was overindulging with certain foods and not eating enough of the other foods and sitting on my fat *kitten* for too long.

    Red, you're already doing things properly by starting to get healthier not only for yourself but also for your little man. Congratulations on that! You'll have your ups and downs, slight variations on weight from day to day but don't let that get you down because that's normal. Keep pushing along, never quit, and keep up with the lifestyle changes forever! I wish you the best. If you need a quick reference on the Mediterranean Diet I'll try to post a pic of their pyramid which is much different from the Canadian or American eating pyramid. Let me know.
    Salute to your health!
    -tonyculo AKA Steve

    P.S. I will be a fit 175 or close to it in a years time.
  • RedPowder
    RedPowder Posts: 44 Member
    tonyculo wrote: »
    Hi RED, I've never ever responded to anything before... I would just read and be inspired by the Pals on here. Something inside me said, " talk to this guy". Just a warning that this might get lengthy but I'll try to keep it at a reasonable length.

    On May 14th, 2018, I got on my scale and it read 275 lbs. I'm 5'8" ! I was in a car accident 21 years ago, suffered some pretty good physical and psychological injuries. Back then I weighed 175 LBS. I gained weight due to medications, limited ability to do physical activity, and sheer laziness. I've yoyo'd up and down over the years, heaviest was 298 LBS in 2011. In 2015 I got down to 205, then chronic pain and depression took hold of me and I let them win again!

    In 2017 I promised myself that I would get back down to 175 by my 50th birthday which will be August 9, 2019.
    As I mentioned earlier, I was 275 May 14th, I got pissed off at myself and said enough is enough and that week I lost 5 LBS. May 21st, I had a heart attack and I should be dead.

    It was a "nice wake-up call" to say the least. Smoking, BIG time stress, being overweight and inactive for too long were huge factors.
    This time I told depression and chronic pain to go where they belong...OUT OF MY LIFE FOR GOOD! Easier said than done, but I'm doing it slowly but surely, I now weigh 239.6 LBS ( losing 35.4 Lbs since being released from hospital).

    I always ate well but my portions were all wrong. I started walking and cycling at a leisurely pace averaging about 6 miles a day or a good hour of some type of exercise about a week after my heart attack.
    I started Cardiac Rehab and have learned a lot so far. I learned about portion size and what to eat and avoid.
    What struck me hard with your post is when you wrote DIET. The best way to look at healthy changes is to change the words from Diet and Exercise to Fitness and Healthy Eating Habits. It's a complete lifestyle change and by using the words I prefer puts me and I hope others into a better mindset when trying to get healthier.

    In my opinion, If there is a "diet" to follow it would be The Mediterranean Diet or The Mediterranean Lifestyle would be a better term for it.
    It tells you to concentrate on certain foods more than others, having friends or family over for dinner and how many times a week you should be eating these foods. Being an Italo-Canadian this was easy for me because I've been doing it all my life, just that I was overindulging with certain foods and not eating enough of the other foods and sitting on my fat *kitten* for too long.

    Red, you're already doing things properly by starting to get healthier not only for yourself but also for your little man. Congratulations on that! You'll have your ups and downs, slight variations on weight from day to day but don't let that get you down because that's normal. Keep pushing along, never quit, and keep up with the lifestyle changes forever! I wish you the best. If you need a quick reference on the Mediterranean Diet I'll try to post a pic of their pyramid which is much different from the Canadian or American eating pyramid. Let me know.
    Salute to your health!
    -tonyculo AKA Steve

    P.S. I will be a fit 175 or close to it in a years time.

    Thank you so much for the kind words, you’re an inspiration to us all. I hope my journey can be as successful as yours as been. I definitely will be checking in with you for regular updates.