Fast food cravings



  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    You might look into "urge surfing" and see if it's something you can work into your routine.
  • Millicent3015
    Millicent3015 Posts: 374 Member
    I tell myself I can have anything I want, in any quantity I want. For me, that removes the element of "lack", of tying myself in knots wanting what I've told myself (or been told) I can't have. I can have it. I choose not to. I make choices that will better aid my nutrition and health.

    That said, cravings are incredibly hard to defeat. When I decide to binge, I don't guilt myself. There's nothing wrong with having food you like, it doesn't make you "bad" or "weak". I also no longer view certain foods as a treat or reward. I add the foods to my diary and try to compensate on subsequent days. I get back on track as soon as I can.

    When I do binge, I choose options that are healthier for me, not anyone else. Everyone is different and on their own journey. I no longer view different foods as good or bad. Food is food. It doesn't exist on a moral scale. I just prefer healthier options to less healthy options these days, and eat accordingly.

  • bobsburgersfan
    bobsburgersfan Posts: 6,364 Member
    I agree that you shouldn't deny yourself the things you really want, but one tactic I've used at times in the past is to delay. If I suddenly start wanting some specific high-calorie food, I'll make a plan to have it sometime within the next week (sometimes tomorrow, sometimes several days out, depending on what it is and how my week looks). This helps distinguish between a legitimate craving and a whim or urge, because sometimes the desire for that thing goes away. Other times, I still keep wanting the thing, so then I eat it as planned.
  • mjrc2
    mjrc2 Posts: 121 Member
    hesn92 wrote: »
    People crave mcdonalds?

    Haha, I don't get it either. Pizza, ice cream, and chocolate I understand, but McFattie food-I do not understand. It is not even real food! I am a food nerd and I know what is in fast food...that probably helps me avoid it? Maybe try educating yourself about what is in the fast food you crave will help to deter you?
  • midlomel1971
    midlomel1971 Posts: 1,283 Member
    I eat fast food on the regular. Not a week goes by when I don't have a grilled chicken sandwich from Chick-Fil-A or a Jr Cheeseburger from Wendys. I just don't get the fries and I have a side salad. And dayum, I love me some Taco Bell!

    You can figure out a way to fit it into your calories.
  • elsie6hickman
    elsie6hickman Posts: 3,864 Member
    Read the nutritional information on your favorites, esp. fat and sodium - and you won't crave it anymore. I am so grateful that I never liked fast food and I don't crave it, because just about every FF chain is represented in this town. It's no wonder we are the 3rd fattest state. You should see the lines at Hardees for breakfast.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    mjrc2 wrote: »
    hesn92 wrote: »
    People crave mcdonalds?

    Haha, I don't get it either. Pizza, ice cream, and chocolate I understand, but McFattie food-I do not understand. It is not even real food! I am a food nerd and I know what is in fast food...that probably helps me avoid it? Maybe try educating yourself about what is in the fast food you crave will help to deter you?

    Is edible and not poisonous? Then it's real food. Do some people like it? Then eating it is justified. You can have your preferences, but it's really not that hard to understand that some people may have different preferences.

    I know what's in hot dogs and bologna and I still eat them. I know rodent poop and hair may potentially be in more edible things than I care to list, but I haven't gone breatharian. I know some vegetables have poop and insect eggs that may not completely wash away, and maybe even potentially harmful bacteria. Yep, still gonna eat them.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    I agree that you shouldn't deny yourself the things you really want, but one tactic I've used at times in the past is to delay. If I suddenly start wanting some specific high-calorie food, I'll make a plan to have it sometime within the next week (sometimes tomorrow, sometimes several days out, depending on what it is and how my week looks). This helps distinguish between a legitimate craving and a whim or urge, because sometimes the desire for that thing goes away. Other times, I still keep wanting the thing, so then I eat it as planned.

    I do this, too. About twice a year I get a craving for a McGriddle that will not go away, and then I get one (or two :o ). But I think about eating one way more often than that.
  • MixedbarbieMOM1991
    MixedbarbieMOM1991 Posts: 43 Member
    I cave once or twice a month.
    I had taco Bell tonight and my meal was 980 calories and I still stayed under my goal.
    I just don't make a habit of it.
    It's nice to have every now and then.
  • missysippy930
    missysippy930 Posts: 2,577 Member
    Why not make better "fast food" choices and work it into your calories for the day?
    For most of us, we will try to make this a life time commitment, to achieve and maintain a healthier weight. It's hard enough to lose weight and keep it off, without the thought of life time denial.
    Why not learn to make better choices in all foods, including restaurants, fast food, etc.
    Moderation, serving size and trying not to overindulge.
  • swimmchick87
    swimmchick87 Posts: 458 Member
    edited August 2018
    I also just work it into my calorie day. I have learned that having an "all or nothing" mindset doesn't work for me, and I try not to see foods as "good foods" or "bad foods." If this is a regular craving of yours, I might even plan to go once or twice per week.

    Look at the calories ahead of time and plan what you can get. Think about what's really worth it and what might not be. For example, my coworkers will sometimes pick up chick-fil-a for lunch. Instead of always saying, "I'm dieting, I can't have that," then becoming resentful and getting off track, I often order just a sandwich. To me, the sandwich is worth it but the fries are nothing special, and the sandwich alone easily fits into my calorie day. On the other hand, one time I tried the healthier choice of getting the grilled sandwich and decided that wasn't a sacrifice I was willing to make again! It's all about deciding what's really worth it to you.

    I don't go to McDonald's often, but the meal I like is like 1,000 calories and they all feel worth it! So I save that for a really busy day when it's dinner time and I haven't eaten much (and therefore have tons of calories left) or a day when I've done a lot of exercise.
  • Losingweightforgood2019
    emmies_123 wrote: »
    I crave it every night on my way home and I have so far avoided it by just reminding myself that I have already spent time/money on the food I have at home so I shouldn't spend more on the fast food. I always just want to get home after a long day, so as long as I stay strong and drive past it I know I won't double back for it. I'm also only craving certain brands, so I don't have to stay strong for every single intersection. I think I pass 4 fast food/takeout places each day that I wish I could eat, but so far I have yet to stop once.

    Good job! I am entering month two and have already saved $200 from not buying fast food on myself.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I guess I wouldn't say I crave it or binge when I have that kind of food. I eat out one meal a week. I plan what I am going to order in advance. I get the food and leave the restaurant with it usually. There is a limited quantity of food. The rest of my food is prepared from home. I grocery shop just once a week.
    Restaurant food is a lot more expensive than a similar meal I would cook. I can cook something as tasty or better. I live in a small town with few local food options and it isn't worth the time and expense to go farther away for fast food more often.
    If you want it you can fit it in but maybe it isn't worth it so much?
    Make homemade versions of the food you crave? Buy a smaller amount? Have a tighter budget? Move to a place with fewer food options? Get rid of your car so you'd have to walk there? Practice moderation until you can do it?