dork looking for friends

Looking for some friends for motivation and accountability. I'm 31, single mom to 4 kiddos. I have to eat gluten free due to celiac disease. I also have Hashimoto's and no thyroid. I love tattoos and have a bunch, I play video games and am somewhat of a dork.


  • Adele_D
    Adele_D Posts: 4,154 Member
    I’m new too😊 feel free to friend me!
  • mjrc2
    mjrc2 Posts: 121 Member
    I am a dork too. No kids, full-time work and college. I have just recently started playing video actually helps prevent me from snacking at night, sometimes. Feel free to friend me!
  • sallyjwinther
    sallyjwinther Posts: 3 Member
    Seeking friends as well.

    31, no kids, full time baker, part time retail store front. Just looking for more people for me to support and to support me in return.
  • Valeri_Rose
    Valeri_Rose Posts: 19 Member
    Im 63 and old dork 😂 No Thyroid. Fibromyalgia and diverticulitis. Kids all grown but raising 2 gran babies (oh joy lol) Feel Free to add me. When I’m not line dancing I’m chasing the gran babies around