frustrations of a college student

I'm a college student so not only am I fending off the weight gain and stress that, that life brings I am also struggling to lose weight. It's not that I think I'm fat or anything I know I'm not, but I know I'm not at a healthy/self-pleasing range either. I've been trying counting calories and eating less and healthier and exercising. I even tried the slimquick stuff. It kinda worked... I donna I lost 10 pounds over the summer. So basically I'm back where I started freshmen year. It's frustrating because now I seem to be stuck at 160. With that frustration comes the feelings of why bother. So I'm not really sticking to any of the goals I've made for myself. I don't know how to keep going because of how discouraging it is. Any ideas?


  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    - Please open your diary.
    - Age? Height? Weight? Activity level? Fitness/exercise done per week?
  • Kittyvicious1
    Kittyvicious1 Posts: 190 Member
    Very relatable. I just graduated with my BA and now working on my MPA. While in school I maintained eating plain yogurt with granola and fruit and water for breakfast. I went to the gym every chance i got. But like I said I only maintained. Weight loss was not my priority until now, my schedule is less loaded.

    The only advice I can give is not to stress about the pounds lost but to focus on inches lost. You already have alot on your plate with school.

    It will all work out. Good luck.
  • I just graduated with my MAT this year. I did okay through the year, but toward the end ("crunch time") I lost it. I gained about 15 lbs. I have been working hard to get it off again, but I realized that I was going crazy and something had to give because there was so much work to do. Focus on school and try your best at eating right and exercising, but don't beat yourself up if it doesn't happen right now. It will when things settle down.