Change of foods upsetting stomach?

hateapples Posts: 28 Member
I started trying to lose weight this week, was successful losing at least 20kg a few years ago but since regained it.

I normally eat a carb based diet. I started trying to replace some of my meals with protein/fat. Eg eggs instead of toast for breakfast. I am not by any means trying to be low carb just to eat more filling foods. However I seem to get an upset stomach after eating meals based on eggs, meat, tuna etc that don’t have carbs like bread in them. Can changing food balance slightly like this upset your stomach?


  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,539 Member
    Yes, absolutely. Everyone is different. I don’t digest fats well and get hungry quickly again, and eggs especially might lead to acid reflux for me. I love my carbs though, and they keep me full.
  • hateapples
    hateapples Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks, I’m going to stick with my usual carb based diet and try having a bit more balance with it rather than trying some lower carb meals for the moment.
  • moogie_fit
    moogie_fit Posts: 279 Member
    Try having balanced meals with protein, carbs, and fats as the combination of all three will make you feel more satisfied. Try to switch some of your white carbs to whole wheat and include as many fruits and vegetables as you can