Will power

Hi, finally decided to post something after 'circling' for a long time. I have been meaning to start my healthy journey for sometime. I always download the app, weigh myself, exercise for a few days and then just sort of stop. How can I keep my momentum going? Thanks!:smile:


  • Qtmommy3
    Qtmommy3 Posts: 7 Member
    Well I think we all ask ourselves this question... Where can I get my will power? Live hour by hour ask yourself is this worth all the calories? How about a goal treat? My 10lb gift will be a lulu jacket ???? I guess I'm trying to say find something to strive for...it's a struggle everyday trust me good luck!
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    somethings just gotta click. you have to want it more than anything.