Losing that last stubborn 10-15lbs

Current stats: 5'6, 139lbs

GW: 125-130lbs

I'm currently eating about 1300-1400 calories a day (1200 NET when I've exercised)

I'm just wondering if this is OK for my weight and height? The weight is coming off but very slowly, I'm definitely noticing my body changing though.

When I get to about 134, I'm planning on upping my calories slightly - will this make me gain weight?

Thanks guys n gals.


  • JakeBrownVB
    JakeBrownVB Posts: 399 Member
    What are your goals? What lifting program are you on?

    Trying to force those last few pounds off your body is never a good idea if you dont have a decent muscle mass. Now the fact you are only on 1200 calories I am going to assume you have fairly low lean muscle mass. This is probably something you should focus on now that you are a fairly lean person more than what the scales say, if you want to look toned rather than remaining "soft" you need to focus on that.

    Upping your calories wont make you gain weight if you are still in a deficit, however this is all quite hard to judge without knowing your goals or current routine.
  • I do cardio 4 times a week and 'lift' 3 times a week.

    I say 'lift' because 3kg is pretty poor, ha. I guess I need to work on this.

    Thanks for the input!
  • JakeBrownVB
    JakeBrownVB Posts: 399 Member
    Based on your weight and height you are a very lean person. You really dont need to lose weight, also bare in mind that cardio and dieting is fair inferior to weight lifting with proper nutrtion.

    I went from 1800 calories dieting to 3000 calories every day bulking and gaining weight, I actually look leaner now then when I was dieting. My girlfriend is exactly your height and weight, she now eats 2000 calories from 1200, she has cut out ALL cardio (she used to do an hour like 4 times a week) and only does a 5x5 full body workout. She has stopped wobbling now... :D
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I do cardio 4 times a week and 'lift' 3 times a week.

    I say 'lift' because 3kg is pretty poor, ha. I guess I need to work on this.

    Thanks for the input!

    for the last 10lbs, set mfp to lose 1/2lb per week. you wont gain weight eating more calories as you are still at a deficit.
  • How much would you recommend lifting? big weights scare me! My main aim is to tone but I just want to get a teeny bit smaller first.

    I am going to be changing my goals to 1/2lb a week after I drop a few more pounds :)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    How much would you recommend lifting? big weights scare me! My main aim is to tone but I just want to get a teeny bit smaller first.

    lift however much is heavy for you... theres no set number...
  • hedgiie
    hedgiie Posts: 1,226 Member
    i feel you, i'm on my last 15lbs, it seems that i hit the plateu, though there are times that i reduce my weight but i gain it back easily. oh well we have to be patient, so i'm still positive that one day i'll lose them .
  • JakeBrownVB
    JakeBrownVB Posts: 399 Member
    Start with light weights and practise getting your technique and form correct and then slowly progress. You do however need to lift a weight that is challenging or you will not cause enough stress on the muscles to give them any reason to grow.

    Being too intimidated to lift is the main problem most women have and is something my girlfriend took a very long time to get over.. Now she squats her own bodyweight in front of some of the biggest blokes youve met :D
  • Current stats: 5'6, 139lbs

    GW: 125-130lbs

    I'm currently eating about 1300-1400 calories a day (1200 NET when I've exercised)

    I'm just wondering if this is OK for my weight and height? The weight is coming off but very slowly, I'm definitely noticing my body changing though.

    When I get to about 134, I'm planning on upping my calories slightly - will this make me gain weight?

    Thanks guys n gals.

    I'm basically exactly the same weight/height - and 140 was my starting weight! I'm finding it difficult as don't know if I should be eating more than 1400 which is what it says to lose 1 pound a week, I'm doing cardio inc treadmill and swimming, as well as 30 ds and just started pilates so hopefully getting stronger will get rid of the wobble!
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    Girls to be 5' 6" and weigh in at 140-ish, you should have Mfp set to lose no more than 1/2 lb per week. You just don't have much more than that to lose without becoming unhealthy.

    I am saying this because I am at 5' 5" 139 lb and I eat net around 1700 per day. I'm still losing weight and working on body recomp. Don't be afraid of weights. Start at what you can do now, and try to increase the weight each week. I started out with 3 lb dumbbells, I am now using 20s. This is still light to some, but its heavy for me right now. But I have seen better changes to my body since working on the weights than without.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    Don't wait to lift! I did that and regret it thoroughly. It takes about forever to lose the last bit of weight. I am 5'5" and it took me 8 months to lose my last 15 pounds. Now that I am there, it was worth every bit of work. Keep going toward your goal! You can do it!