Lose .6 lb in one day??

Is it possible to lose .6 lb in one day? I am leaving to go back to my parents home tomorrow. I have been doing mfp for two weeks. Orginally I lost 3 lbs the first week and this week I am up .4lbs which totally sucks. I would be exstactic (sp?) to be that one pound lighter tomorrow. This gain, even though it's small, has really made me really sad. This would be a terrific boost to be good on my vacation. I know there are no miracles, but is there anything I can do to move that number by tomorrow? Thanks for the help!


  • maddox22
    maddox22 Posts: 91
    Weight fluctuates from day to day anyway. My weight goes up and down by a pound or so just from morning to evening, and even when I've been within my calorie goals for several days it might go up or down. I wouldn't worry about amounts less than 1 lb. It's much better (and less funk-inducing) to track your average weight over time--I'd recommend weighing yourself once or twice per week and putting it on a graph.

    Weight changes of less than a pound or two are unlikely to be "real" anyway--they're most likely water- or hormone-related, unless they are maintained over time.
  • hamiltonba
    hamiltonba Posts: 474 Member
    go to the bathroom.....(ha ha)
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    wow... i wouldn't focus on the number that closely you'll drive your self bonkers...specially when TOM comes, or you gain muscle mass, or water weight, we are humans constantly taking in processing and releasing things from our body. You weight will flucate, we are are guily of falling prey to the devil (the scale) from time to time, but try not to get to hung up over espeically less than a pound.