Bad Day / Emotional Eating

You know... I've had a really good food day today. But I've had a bad day emotionally.

What are your best ways to avoid emotional eating when life gets on top of you?

In the next week I need to:
- Move back in with my partner. We have had a break but are going to try and make it work again. I'm nervous.
- Help my parents move.
- Pick my future mother in law up from the airport, because, as if trying again with my partner wasn't hard enough, she will be living with us for the next 6 months. Her favourite thing to say is "why you get so fat?"
- Work my day job (40km from my current residence, 20km (the other way) from my partners house).
.... And on top of that, get through each day on 4-5hours sleep. I just can't get to sleep lately...

Sigh... Sorry... Just needed to rant. I feel so overwhelmed and I don't want to calm my nerves with a pound cake.


  • IronPhyllida
    IronPhyllida Posts: 533 Member
    Take on step at a time - you can do it.
    You'll be fine tomorrow x
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member

    It's just a bad day. It's not a bad life.

    wow - so true. I'm totally stealing this.

    OP- take it one step, one day, at a time.

    use ear buds a LOT for the next six months. have a LOT of excuses for why you need to leave the room every damn time your mom says something nasty.
  • skinnymalinkyscot
    skinnymalinkyscot Posts: 174 Member
    Please dont take offence at what Im about to say, as Im not trivialising it, this is just a tip which I would do, it may not be of any use...

    Your mother in law coming to stay is an external event, it wont affect the core you, but it is awkward having anyone around for 6mths
    driving the long distance is an external event and will make you more tired but again you would adjust eventually or search for a job closer to home
    helping your parents move is a one off event, but I can see how its something you have to find the time and energy for anyway
    working your day job is just a normal day right? so no change there

    The core issue is moving back in with your partner

    So youre nervous that the reunion might not work and anxious all the other stuff will interfere with your reunion

    which is causing you to feel stressed and interfering with your ability to sleep properly

    And because of all of the above its making sticking to your diet hard work

    My best tip would be go to bed as early as you can every night and try and get as much sex as you can, every night, twice a night, have fun, if you arnd your partner stay together then having lots of great sex will definitely affect you both in so many good ways and
    you would sleep like a baby, sex is great for getting rid of stress, good fro your relationship and going to sleep early would nail those eating binges as lack of sleep totally wrecks people when it comes to emotional eating.

    Once your relationship is sorted one way or the other you will know where you stand, but in the meantime all that great sex will make you go "problems? what problems? you wont care your mother in law is coming to stay,you wont care how far it is to work and you wont care about anything else you will be wlaking round with a big smile on your face and your partner will be very very happy

    please dont take offence like I said :)