Very Active

kengrace10 Posts: 11 Member
Good evening all,
Need opinions.... I lost about 50 lbs over the last 3 yrs. I have slowly regained about 18 lbs and now I’m trying to get back on. When I started MFP I gauged myself as active and It was a successful weight loss. I’m curious, now that I want to lose those 18 lbs, since I coach should I leave it at active or should I raise it to very active. I typically step about 20,000 steps per day and run 3 miles daily. If I leave it at active it gives me a 2,070 calorie count and if i raise it to very active my calorie count is 2,470. Should I eat more to help me kick start my metabolism? Or should I stick to my guns and what got me here in the first place? Thanks.


  • zorander6
    zorander6 Posts: 2,712 Member
    I would probably look towards being very active and then putting in your exercise, that will give you a better judge of how active you actually are without going overboard on your cutting.

    Just my opinion for what it's worth.
  • kinetixtrainer2
    kinetixtrainer2 Posts: 9,221 Member
    I’d suggest staying with active. Weigh yourself daily or at least weekly. If you’re loosing too fast you can always up your cals by 200-300 and then gage your loose for the next couple weeks.