Intermittent fasting newbie

Hi, I’ve started IF a couple of days ago. My eating window is 11am to 7pm usually. When I stop my fast at 11am I am craving breakfast food then I have lunch 2-3 hours later followed by dinner around 6. All this still comes within my calorie goal. My question is, should I be skipping breakfast totally so that I only have two meals or is it ok once it’s within my goal? Thanks


  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    The goal of intermittent fasting is to help people who do well on it control their calories. If it's helping you control your calories, it wouldn't matter if you eat 2 or 15 meals within your fasting window.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    You decide how many meals to eat. You can eat as many meals you want; if you eat them all within 8 hours, you'll be adhering to 16:8. You also set your eating window yourself; if not, it's not yours.
  • megsta91
    megsta91 Posts: 92 Member
    Stick to your calorie count. Doesnt matter when you eat, how many meals, ect. I also IF, my window is 6pm-2am. Sometimes I will eat one very large meal during that window, sometimes I'll snack the whole time, sometimes its 3 meals
  • dee95mfp
    dee95mfp Posts: 16 Member
    Great, thanks guys, that’s cleared that up!