Food Prep ?



  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I don't do the meal in the container thing, but on Sundays I will do things like make homemade protein bars, fat bombs, make oatmeal packets, weigh and portion out my unsalted cashews into snack baggies, boil eggs, make veggie burger patties and freeze.

    This is a great time saver for me!
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    edited August 2018
    No I do not. I try to get my fruit all ready to go (washing, cutting up and putting in tupperwares) but that's about it. I eat sandwiches or leftovers for lunch so no prep there. And I don't really know how I would go about prepping my dinners. So you people cook, say, chicken breast, and then eat it all week??? That seems unsafe? I could see cooking enough for like 2 or 3 nights but that's it. I try to vary my meats during the week too. Like this week my meats include, chicken breast, ground pork, and hamburger... so... I don't know, the meal prep thing doesn't make sense to me. Plus I enjoy cooking. I usually just cook enough at each meal to last 2 nights so I don't have to come up with a different meal and cook every night. I just pick 3 meals per week.
  • COGypsy
    COGypsy Posts: 1,336 Member
    I have groceries delivered on Sunday mornings and spend a few hours on Sunday afternoons prepping all of my meals and snacks for the week. The only thing I actually make fresh during the week are pre-workout smoothies. I keep my meal formula pretty basic. Protein, grain, veg. I make large batches of rice every couple of months and freeze single servings in a muffin tin, so they're grab and go. Protein gets cooked in the toaster oven--takes less than 12 minutes that way! Then I throw about half a bag of frozen veg on top and let whatever sauce is on the vegetables be the flavor for the dish. When I'm ready to eat, it just needs a minute or two in the microwave and it's good to go. I make two kinds of proteins and flavor combos every week so I can pick between them for lunch and dinner and then I don't have to think about cooking again for another week.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,052 Member
    For five months of the year I work 12-hour days for two or three consecutive weeks, get a week of normal hours, then I'm back on 12-hour days again. I'm also checking in on and running errands for an elderly relative. My schedule is really tight. Not having resources in the freezer or being prepared for the week pushes me to a point where I don't care what I eat, when I eat, or how much I eat. It also led to an addictive reliance on fast food and drive-thrus.

    Meal prepping is clearly not for everyone. For me it hits a number of my essential needs: saves time, saves money, eliminate food waste, keeps me on plan and eating healthy, and I never have to think about what I'm going to make/eat when I'm exhausted.

    I have friends and relatives who cannot eat the same meal two days in a row. They need variety more than efficiency. I don't get it and I secretly think they're crazy, but I love them anyway. :) My style of meal prepping the same meals for a week (then changing it for the next week) would not work for them. Their free style of winging it proved disastrous to me.

    Ya, when I worked long hours outside the house and wanted to drastically cut down on fast food, meal prepping on Sunday was the way to go.

    I had no problem eating the same breakfasts, lunches, and dinners 5 days straight.

    Now I work from home and have more flexibility, but still eat the same breakfasts and lunches. Dinner is usually unique.