Finding it hard to get started.

Does anyone have any motivating things they do to encourage yourself to get started on eating healthy?


  • Candyspun
    Candyspun Posts: 370 Member
    When I started two months ago, I just started by tracking everything I ate on My Fitness Pal, and if I did any exercise, I tracked that, too. Things snowball from there pretty quickly. My partner joined me on here about two weeks ago, with my advice to 'just track what you eat', so he did that. Then, he started tracking his activity, then he decided to get a fitbit, and so on. So, my advice to you if you're overwhelmed, is simply to start tracking what you eat. Whatever it is. Even if it's more than MFP recommends. It will snowball from there.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Not really. Why do you find eating healthy so hard? What is your idea of healthy eating?
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,020 Member
    Is your primary goal to lose weight? If so, all you need to do is consume fewer calories than your body uses. The foods you get those calories in don't necessarily have to be "healthy." Once you've gotten used to tracking and are successfully hitting your calorie goal most of the time, you can think about what "healthy" means to you, which aspects of that matter the most to you, and start implementing changes to accomplish that. When you do so, remember that not everything you eat has to be "healthy." You don't get bonus points for extra broccoli after you've met your nutritional needs.