Editing Progress Pics?

cj_1349 Posts: 6 Member

Now that I’ve made some progress I’d like to start doing side by side pics, except that I want to use different ones than I’ve already input matching my weight. How do I change pics? Thanks!

SW: 260
CW: 183


  • JasonDee1989
    JasonDee1989 Posts: 84 Member
    I add them under the weight check in. Then you can choose them from “progress photo” under status updates. Not sure if that makes sense or if I’m even doing it the right way.
  • JasonDee1989
    JasonDee1989 Posts: 84 Member
    Great work on those numbers!!!
  • cj_1349
    cj_1349 Posts: 6 Member
    Yeah that’s how I did it initially, just not sure how to change the current pics to different ones!
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    edited August 2018
    If you’re on the iphone app, go to the progress tab. You can swipe the weight entry and one of the options is to remove the photo. Do that, then add a new one in its place.

    I’m guessing the android app is similar but idk.
  • cj_1349
    cj_1349 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you!!!